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Commissioner Fox inquired if there would be a height limit on the tennis court building if it were <br />built as a separate structure from the main house. Mr. Pavan replied that the height limit refers <br />back to the R-1-20,000 standard with a 30-foot maximum measured from the lowest grade to the <br />midpoint of the sloped roof. He stated that he would have to research if a detached tennis court <br />would be considered a second primary residence or an accessory structure and that he would <br />bring that information back to the Commission. He added that staff had looked into separating <br />the tennis court with a view of minimizing the building mass. <br />Commissioner Fox inquired if the separate structures connected by a breezeway in the Mariposa <br />Ranch homes are considered to be one or two building or an accessory structure. Mr. Pavan <br />replied that the height requirement would be a consideration in this case. He indicated that a <br />garage would be a detached accessory structure with a maximum height of 15 feet, generally <br />located in a setback area, thus requiring a shorter building as it is a lot closer to the property line. <br />He noted that whether the tennis court is dictated by the primary structure setback would be <br />something he would need to research. <br />Chair Blank requested staff to look into this and bring back the information possibly at another <br />workshop. <br />The Commission then proceeded to consider the different questions. <br />Does the Planning Commission conceptually support the proposed siting of the structures <br />on the site with respect to location, setbacks, and the buildings' orientation? <br />Commissioner Narum: Yes. She indicated that she supported what the applicants have done in <br />trying to find a compromise to mitigate some of the concerns of the neighbor to the rear. <br />She noted that considering the lot as it is and where the structures might have been placed <br />if the neighbors' concerns were not taken into account, what the applicants are proposing is <br />less than ideal but they have done so as a compromise with the neighbors. <br />Commissioner Olson: Yes. <br />Commissioner Pearce: Yes. She agreed with Commissioner Narum and expressed her <br />appreciation for the applicants' efforts to maneuver the building within the lot. <br />Commissioner Fox: Yes; however, she stated that she would like to see a composite elevation <br />showing both structures together before giving her final "yes." <br />Commissioner O'Connor: Yes. He noted that in terms of the siting of the structures and the <br />setbacks, the landscaping was missing which would have a big impact; however, since the <br />building has been moved, the siting on the lot itself is fine. <br />Chair Blank Yes. He expressed concern about the building mass but noted that it could be <br />remedied by architectural tricks. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 9, 2008 Page 20 of 28 <br />