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Claim, including the employment of counsel which shall be <br />reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party, and payment of <br />all reasonably incurred expenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, <br />the Indemnified Party has the right to employ separate counsel to <br />provide input to the defense, at the Indemnified Party's own cost. <br />The Indemnifying Party shall reimburse the Indemnified Party <br />upon demand for any payments made or loss suffered by it at any <br />time after the date of tender, based upon the judgment of any <br />court of competent jurisdiction or pursuant to a bona fide <br />compromise or settlement of Indemnified Claims. The <br />Indemnifying Parry shall not settle any Indemnified Claim or <br />Additional Indemnified Claim under this section on the <br />Indemnified Party's behalf without first obtaining the <br />Indemnified Party's written permission, which permission shall <br />not be unreasonably withheld, and the Indemnifying Party shall <br />indemnify and hold the Indemnified Parry harmless from and <br />against any costs, damages and fees reasonably incurred by the <br />Indemnified Party, including fees of attorneys and other <br />professionals, that are attributable to such Indemnified Claims. <br />The Indemnifying Party shall not be responsible for any <br />indemnification obligations arising hereunder pursuant to the <br />terms and conditions of any settlement of an Indemnified Claim <br />by the Indemnified Party unless such settlement was approved <br />by the Indemnifying Party, which approval shall not be <br />unreasonably withheld. <br />ii. GENERAL <br />11.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including all <br />attachments and referenced schedules, constitutes the complete <br />and exclusive statement of the agreement between TAN and <br />Customer with respect to the subject matter hereof. It supersedes <br />and replaces all oral or written RFPs, proposals, prior <br />agreements, and other prior communications between the parties <br />concerning the subject matter of this Agreement. This <br />Agreement may not be modified or altered except by written <br />instntment duly executed by both parties, except that TAN may <br />fill future purchase or other orders for further goods or services <br />available under this Agreement and, if TAN does so, the <br />provisions of this Agreement will contain the only commercial <br />terms applicable to such transaction despite such purchase or <br />other order stating otherwise. Any Addendum attached hereto <br />shall form an integral part ofthis Agreement and, in the event of <br />any inconsistency between these General Terms and any <br />Addendum, the provisions of the Addendum shall prevail. <br />11.2 Force Msjeure. Dates or times by which either party is <br />required to perform under this Agreement, excepting the <br />payment of any fees or charges due hereunder, will be postponed <br />automatically to the extent that any party is prevented fiom <br />meeting them by causes beyond its reasonable control, provided <br />such party promptly notifies the other thereof and makes <br />reasonable efforts to perform. <br />11.3 Notices. All notices and requests in connection with this <br />Agreement will be given to the respective parties in writing and <br />will be deemed given as of the first business day of the notified <br />party following the day the notice is faxed or sent via overnight <br />courier, providing a hard copy aclmowledgment of such <br />successful faxed notice transmission or evidence of such <br />couriering, as applicable, is retained. Notice may also be <br />deposited m the mails, postage pre-paid, certified or registered, <br />rettun receipt requested, and addressed to the parties as indicated <br />on the face of this Agreement or such other address of which the <br />party gives notice in accordance herewith, and receipt of any <br />such notice will be deemed to be effective as of the third <br />business day following such deposit. <br />11.4 Governing Law. This Agreement and performance <br />hereunder will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in <br />which the Customer is located as indicated on the face of this <br />Agreement, except that (i) in the case of Louisiana, the laws of <br />California will apply, and (ii) in the case of Qubbec, the laws of <br />Ontario will apply. <br />11.5 Attorney Fees. In any action or suit [o enforce any right or <br />remedy under this Agreement or to interpret any provision of this <br />Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its <br />costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees. <br />11.6 Non-Assignability. Neither party may assign its rights or <br />obligations arising out of this Agreement without the other <br />party's prior written consent, except that TAN may assign this <br />Agreement in connection with any sale or security interest <br />involving all or substantially all of its assets or any other <br />transaction in which more than fifty percent of its voting <br />securities are transferred. <br />11.7 Term and Survival. The term of this Agreement shall <br />commence on the Effective Date set out on the cover page hereof <br />and shall continue as set forth in Sections 18.1 or 25.1, as <br />applicable, or until terminated in accordance with Section 7. <br />Sections l.l, 5, 7.3, 9.2, 9.3, ]0, 11, 29.1, and 29.2 of this <br />Agreement, along with all unpaid payment obligations, will <br />survive termination and expiration of this Agreement. <br />11.8 No Authority to Biod. Neither party shall incur any <br />obligations for or in the name of the other parry, or have the <br />authority to bind or obligate the other party. Neither party shall <br />make, issue or authorize any statements (whether or oral or <br />written) in conttavention of the foregoing. <br />11.9 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in <br />separate counterparts and delivered by facsimile or such other <br />electronic means as are available to the Parties. Such <br />counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same <br />original document. <br />11.10 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is <br />held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, <br />unenforceable, or void, the remainder of this Agreement and <br />such provisions shall remain in full force and effect. <br />11.11 Cooperative Procurement. Upon consent by <br />Active, this Agreement may be used for permitted cooperative <br />procurement by any public or municipal body, entity, agency <br />or institution. If so authorized, and in order to forego a related <br />entity ItFP or similar competitive bidding process, the <br />Agreement may be extended to such other entlties indicated <br />above for the procurement of similar products and/or services <br />provided to Customer herein and at free in accordance with <br />the Agreement unless separately negotiated between such <br />other entities and Active. Further related entities participating <br />in a cooperative procurement process shall place their own <br />orders directly with Active and will fully and independently <br />administer then use of the Agreement to include such <br />contractual as those entities and Active deem appropriate <br />without direct administration from the original Customer. <br />