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City of Pleasanton <br />STAFF <br /> REPORT <br /> <br /> ~ONORAB~ CI?¥ COUNCI~ <br /> ~1easanto~, <br /> <br /> Re: App~ovaZ o~ ~ees and Cha~ges [o~ So~tbalZ Rec~eationa1 Services <br /> 1986 Season <br /> <br /> Members o[ the Counc~Z: <br /> <br /> BacXq~ound <br /> <br /> ~he Department o~ ~a~ks a~d CommunLty Se~v~oe~ ~11 beg~n Lt~ <br /> yea~ o£ operation o£ the ~1easanton Spo~ts an~ Reo~eatLo~ <br /> So~tbaZ1 Complex Ln 1986. ~he p~og~amm~ng sohe~ule~ £o~ .the <br /> £1eld complex includes the management o~ men, women, co-ed, an~ <br /> business 1eagues, both the [acilitation and management o[ so[tball <br /> tournaments, an~ m~sceZlaneous ~eld ~entals. <br /> <br /> · he £ees and eha~ges p~oposed ~o~ the p~og~am a~e based on d~eet <br /> service costs ~hLch have been associated with the p~og~am the <br /> p~ev~ous two seasons. ?he ~ees and cha~ge~ sohedule has been <br /> ~eveloped to a11ow the So~tba11 Comple× p~og~am to be sel[-suppo~ting <br /> when considering direct p~og~am costs. <br /> <br /> ~th £ou~ 1Lt so£tbal1 dLamonds, ~t ~11 be poss~ble to play up to <br /> [ou~ games pe~ night pe~ ~ield, p~ovLde~ the~e continues to be a <br /> Business ~eague which beings play at 5:~5 p.m. ~his <br /> eonce~vabZy alZow 2~8 aduZt so~tball teams to participate ~n 1986, <br /> w~th play being o[~e~ed Sunday through <br /> <br /> Sta[£ ~ecogn~ges that the ~uant~ty o~ games could pose a p~oblem to <br /> the ~es~dents o~ the a~eas su~oun~ng the So~tba11 Complex. ~o help <br /> alleviate any p~oblems, ~ta£[ has ~e~uced the game t~me 1~m~t by ~ve <br /> (5) minutes. By doLn9 this, al1 l~ghts shoul~ be o~[ and the <br /> 1ooked up by ~0:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> ~ees and oha~ges have been developed base~ on the va~ables o[ games <br /> pZayed, o££~c~als ~e~ui~ed,so£tballs ~e~u~e~, hours o~ l~ght use, <br /> t~ophy demands, and ~1eld p~epa~atlon an~ monitoring needed. <br /> Additionally, each team must pay a ~egist~atLon Ice with the Amateu~ <br /> So[tball Association. <br /> <br /> · he City o[ Pleasanton also maLntains and Ls ~esponslble ~o~ <br /> ~Zeasanton Schoo1 Oppe~ ~ie1~. ?he Oppe~ ~ie1~ ~ u~ed by the <br /> ~1easanton Men's ~ob Ba11 ~eague and the1~ ~ees and oha~ges a~e <br /> handled d~[£e~ently than those at the So[tba1Z Comple×. <br /> <br /> ~age ~ <br /> S~ 85:55~ <br /> <br /> <br />