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RES 85515
City of Pleasanton
RES 85515
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#854014 <br /> 8/28/85 <br /> EXHIBIT "A" <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> EASEMENT FOR WATER LINE. PURPOSES <br /> LOT 34B <br /> <br />All that real property situate in the City of Pleasanton, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br /> <br />Being a portion of Lot 34B, as said lot is shown on Amended Parcel Map No. <br />4320, filed April 18, 1985 in Book 152 of Maps at page 99, Official Records of <br />Alameda County, the centerline of this easement is more particularly described <br />as fol lows: <br /> <br />COMMENCING at the most northwesterly corner of said Lot 34B, thence along the <br />general northwesterly line of said Lot 348, N 62° 59' 13" E 28.00 feet to the <br />TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving said general northwesterly line of <br />said Lot 34B, S 27° 00' 47" E 211.39 feet to a point designated as Point A; <br />thence continuing S 27° 00' 47" E 5.00 feet to a point designated as Point B; <br />thence continuing S 27° 00' 47" E 84.11 feet to a point designated as Point C, <br />said point being on a curve concave to the south having a radius of 1825.09 <br />feet and to which point a radial l i ne bears N 20° 20' 34" W; thence easterly <br />48.00 feet along said curve through a central angle of 1° 30' 25" to a <br />designated as Point D; thence continuing 98.35 feet along said curve through a <br />central angle of 3° 05' 15"; thence leaving said curve N 26° 16' 14" E 95.00 <br />feet to a point designated as Point E; thence continuing N 26° 16' 14" E <br />263.00 feet to a point on the general northeasterly line of said Lot 34B to <br />the terminus of this easement; the sidelines of this easement are to be <br />lengthened or shortened to provide a uniform width of 10 feet. <br /> <br />Together with an additional lO-foot-wide easement beginning at the above <br />described Point A; thence S 62° 59' 13" W 15.00 feet to the terminus of this <br />easement; the sidelines of this easement are to be lengthened or shortened to <br />provide a uniform width of 10 feet. <br /> <br />Together with an additional lO-foot-wide easement beginning at the above <br />described Point B; thence N 62° 59' 13" E 25.00 feet to the terminus of this <br />easement; the sidelines of this easement are to be lengthened or shortened to <br />provide a uniform width of 10 feet. · <br /> <br />Together with an additional lO-foot-wide easement beginning at the above <br />described Point C; thence westerly 28.00 feet along said curve through a <br />central angle of 0° 52' 44" to the general southwesterly line of said Lot 34B, <br />said point being the terminus of this easement; the sidelines of this easement <br />are to be lengthened or shortened to provide a uniform width of 10 feet. <br /> <br />Together with an additional lO-foot-wide easement beginning at the above <br />described Point D; thence S 18° 50' 09" E 23.00 feet to a point on the general <br />northwesterly line of a public service easement as shown on said Amended <br />Parcel Map 4320, said point being the terminus of this easement; the sidelines <br />of this easement are to be lengthened or shortened to provide a uniform width <br />of 10 feet. <br /> <br />Together with an additional lO-foot-wide easement beginning at the above <br />described POint E; thence S 63° 43' 46" E 15.00 feet to the terminus of this <br />easement; the sidelines of this easement are to be lengthened or shortened to <br />provide a uniform width of 10 feet. <br /> <br /> <br />
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