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Ordinance No. 1984 <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />sand, eating utensils, cigarettes, shells, towels, rags, etc., which could settle into this <br />pocket and thereby reduce the effective volume of the device. <br />E. The User shall maintain a written record of all inspection, maintenance, pumping and <br />hauling activities. The User shall submit copies of these documents to the Operations <br />Services Director on or before June 30 and December 31 of each year. The User shall <br />also keep copies of these records for the preceding two years and shall make these <br />records available for on-site inspection by the Operations Services Director during all <br />operating hours. <br />F. Sanitary wastes from water closets, urinals, and bidets are not allowed to be connected <br />to sewer lines intended for grease interceptor service. <br />15.44.060 Grease Trap Standards <br />A. Upon approval by the Operations Services Director, a grease trap complying with the <br />provisions of this section must be installed in the waste line leading from sinks, drains, <br />and other fixtures or equipment in food service establishments where grease may be <br />introduced into the drainage or sewage system in quantities that can affect line stoppage <br />or hinder sewage treatment or private sewage disposal. <br />B. Grease trap sizing and installation shall conform to the California Plumbing Code <br />C. Grease traps shall be kept in efficient operating conditions by periodic removal of the <br />accumulated grease. Grease traps should be inspected and maintained in accordance <br />with the manufacturer's recommendations but in no case shall the User fail to inspect <br />and maintain less than bi-weekly. No such collected grease shall be introduced into any <br />drainage piping, water closet, or public or private sewer; it shall be placed in a leak-proof <br />container and then disposed of in the appropriate trash bin. <br />D. Wastewater in excess of one hundred-forty degrees Fahrenheit (140 F) or sixty degrees <br />Celsius (60 C) shall not be discharged into a grease trap. <br />E. No food waste disposal unit or dishwasher shall be connected to or discharge into any <br />grease trap. <br />F. The User shall maintain a written record of all inspection, maintenance, pumping and <br />hauling activities. The User shall submit copies of these documents to the Operations <br />Services Director on or before June 30 and December 31 of each year. The User shall <br />also keep copies of these records for the preceding two years and shall make these <br />records available for on-site inspection by the Operations Services Director during all <br />operating hours. <br />15.44.070 Enforcement <br />A. Authority to Insaect <br />1. Request for Entry. Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any <br />of the provisions of this Chapter, or whenever the Operations Services Director has <br />reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any building or upon any premises <br />any condition which constitutes a violation of this Chapter, the Operations Services <br />Director may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect or <br />perform any duty authorized by this Chapter; provided, that a) if such building or <br />