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developments. He said he wanted to also take into account that transit adjacent developments <br />have a higher traffic impact than transit-oriented developments. He referenced slide 53 and <br />confirmed with Mr. Iserson that the report done by Strategic Economics was done in August of <br />2005. <br />Commissioner Pearce questioned whether the three remaining sites were the only ones with the <br />potential for future development in Hacienda. Mr. Iserson said no, there is the potential for the <br />Roche which is located in the northern section and is currently vacant and there could also be <br />others that could intensify given the possibility of them being built below their maximum FAR. <br />Commissioner Pearce noted that if there is theoretically an elementary school, it would not be <br />located in Hacienda given the space, and Mr. Iserson said this is a question; staff flagged this <br />early on and encouraged Hacienda to dialogue with the school district, and in moving forward <br />the school district will be brought into the process to find out what their needs are and where a <br />school would go, if needed. <br />Commissioner Pearce referred to page 6 of 13 of the staff report relating to standardizing the <br />method of mitigating traffic for new development, and she asked for examples of this. Mr. <br />Iserson said based on Hacienda's original development agreement and the General Plan, if a <br />development causes traffic at an intersection to go below LOS D, the project needs to mitigate <br />it. In the new General Plan, because the traffic fee is in effect, it provides an opportunity to <br />collect fees and for the City to decide where and when to allocate fees to improve intersections <br />that are congested. The approach was modified slightly to give more options whereby, based <br />upon the amount of impact and the location of the intersection that was impacted, the developer <br />may have to do the entire thing. It may also be pro-rated or there may be a reimbursement <br />agreement, so it is a matter of flexibility in deciding how to mitigate the intersections when <br />projects produce impacts. <br />Chair Blank referred to slide 51 and said he was surprised by the full public participation <br />comment, stating that it was his understanding that a specific plan process was more broadly <br />inclusive than it is for a PUD creation. Mr. Iserson said it does not have to be, but if the direction <br />is to do a PUD rather than a specific plan, staff would want to be sure the public be given ample <br />participation and the process would be slowed down. He said Hacienda is a little different than <br />most PUD's due to its size. It is almost like a master plan, so staff would support and encourage <br />that the process be slowed down as compared to the normal PUD development processing <br />while also expanded to be as inclusive as a specific plan would otherwise be. <br />Commissioner Fox said in the housing element slide it talked about options for having the <br />affordable units located on one site versus dispersing them throughout a development, which <br />would be a Council decision. She thought the Council would not have an option on this because <br />the inclusionary housing ordinance says affordable units must be spread throughout the <br />development. She questioned whether the Council would have to reverse or waive the <br />inclusionary housing ordinance in order to locate units altogether on one site. Mr. Iserson said <br />this is the reason staff flagged the item; if the direction was to proceed in this manner due to <br />there having more affordable units and deeper levels of affordability, the City would need to <br />decide what the appropriate mechanism would be. <br />Commissioner Fox referred to the charrette that occurred in 2003 and said Hacienda came <br />forward and wanted to consolidate the parking lots into parking garages. They wanted to build <br />residential or mixed use in the green area between the street and existing commercial buildings, <br />and she wondered if what we are seeing today is what was proposed six years ago. She voiced <br />CC/PC Joint Workshop Minutes 4 August 27, 2008 <br />
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