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was a very expensive lot, the applicant wants to try to use every inch of property, which is one of the <br />reasons for the retaining wall. <br />Mr. Heim stated that in order to please the Macaris, the applicant is willing to put asplit-rail fence on <br />top of the retaining wall so that it would keep the same appearance as what is there now. In response to <br />a question by Chair Cooper, Mr. Heim stated that the retaining wall would be six to twelve inches from <br />the property line. He requested approval of item # 1 of the staff report. <br />Mr. Heim also stated that most of the other homes in the immediate area are two stories with <br />second-story windows. He noted that the windows on the applicant's second story were positioned <br />according to the building codes, and that there is not enough room on the side elevations for windows. <br />He stated that the applicant would like for the second-story bedroom window to remain in place. <br />Lee Parodi, 4758 Mason Street, stated that she lived in the Oakland Hills azea for 45 yeazs until the fire <br />storm burned her house. She lost all of her possessions. Approximately two yeazs later, her son who is <br />a general contractor, rebuilt her home. She lived there for another year-and-a-half before her husband <br />died. At that time, she realized that the home was too large for her, and she decided to move to <br />Pleasanton to be closer to her daughter. She purchased the lot on Diamond Court and stated that since <br />then, Mr. Macari and Mr. Severini have put her through a great deal of stress in prolonging this process. <br />She stated that all she wants to do is build her home and live the rest of her life in peace. Chair Cooper <br />welcomed her to Pleasanton. <br />Dean Macari, 455 Sycamore Road, stated that his property is to the east of the applicant's site. He <br />-- pointed out what he feels are incomplete and inaccurate statements on page 7 of the staff report. He <br />stated that the distance between the applicant's property and his home could be from 100 to 250 feet <br />depending on how it was measured. In addition, he noted that he has not had his electric fence chazged <br />in over 20 years. He stated that his main concern is with the retaining wall, noting that the City has been <br />trying to maintain the rural characteristic of the area. He also expressed concern with safety and his <br />exposure to liability if somebody were to fall off that wall and into his yard. He stated that Exhibit C is <br />acceptable to him. <br />John Severini, 433 Sycamore Road, apologized for this matter having to come before the Planning <br />Commission. He also agrees that it should have been worked out at staff level. He pointed out that his <br />concern is very important to him and his wife. He agrees that the design of the proposed home is a good <br />one and that, as far as he knows, all of the residents on Diamond Court are in support of the design. <br />However, he takes exception with the second-story window. He noted for the records that from this <br />point forward when he speaks of "the applicant," he is referring to Mrs. Parodi s son. <br />Mr. Severini stated that the applicant initially told him that they planned to build asingle-story home on <br />the lot. However, he subsequently received a public notice that atwo-story house was planned. He <br />reviewed the design plan and was very upset to see the very large window on the second story looking <br />directly into his swimming pool and yard. He stated that he spoke with the City building inspector and <br />found that the window, by code, did not have to be on that rear elevation, but that it could be placed on <br />either side as well. He noted for the record that he opposed the previous application submitted by the <br />Jefferies for the same reason. <br />Planning Commission Page 15 April 8, 1998 <br />_.___._ .__.. __.__._ _._..__. ._.... _.._ .___ ..__._ _...._.T.___. <br />