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~-,, ATTACHMENT 5 <br />~~~ c_~ <br />PUD-72. Jerome and Laura Ranev <br />Application for Planned Unit Development rezoning of two parcels totaling <br />approximately .51 acres from the RM-1,500 (Multiple-Family Residential) District <br />to the PUD-HDR (Planned Unit Development -High Density Residential) District <br />and development plan approval to construct three new residences at 4715 and <br />4693 Augustine Street. <br />Rosalind Rondash presented the staff report and described the background, scope, key <br />components, and layout of the project. She noted that staff had presented a memo to <br />the Commission regarding a new condition that would address cost analysis for <br />restoration versus new construction in order to maintain the historical ties of the existing <br />structure. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that she had read the staff report and that with respect to <br />noise, her interpretation was that all of the items listed needed to be done in order to <br />achieve the required decibel ratings the General Plan specifies. She requested <br />clarification regarding whether the City is doing what it needs to in order for noise to be <br />within the required guidelines. <br />Chair Blank noted that he had a difficult time finding the noise conditions, and <br />Commissioner Narum identified it as Condition No. 21. Chair Blank noted that the <br />condition did not appear to be the standard condition of approval that is used and would <br />like it changed to reflect that. <br />Ms. Decker stated that noise analyses generally have recommendations as described. <br />She added that windows need an STC rate upwards of 40+ ratings, which would result <br />in a very wide-framed window which is unattractive and does not meet the City's design <br />guidelines. She explained that noise mitigation can also be attained through other <br />methods such as wall construction, increased insulation, sound attenuation, etc. She <br />noted that the noise study is part of Exhibit A under Condition No. 1. She added that <br />staff wanted flexibility so as not to have huge, wide windows that prohibit recessed <br />window entries. <br />Commissioner Narum inquired how staff would know which combination will achieve the <br />decibel level if it is different than what is being recommended. Chair Blank inquired why <br />a noise study would be needed if its recommendations would not necessarily be <br />followed. <br />Ms. Decker replied that staff refers back to the noise consultant and verifies conditions <br />to satisfy the requirement. <br />Chair Blank inquired if the condition of approval could be subject to the <br />recommendations of the noise consultant. Ms. Decker recommended that the condition <br />be based on staffs consultation with the noise analyst and subject to the review and <br />aooroval of the Director of Planning and Community Development. Chair Blank <br />acknowledged the Director's expertise but felt that the condition of approval snows <br />include the noise analyst's approval. <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 23, 2008 Page 1 of 8 <br />