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Ordinance No. 1983 <br />Page 8 of 26 <br />50. The applicant shall install apedestrian-scale, lighted complex directory sign near <br />the driveway showing the location of apartment building clusters, addresses, <br />units, parking areas, etc. Prior to the installation, the developer shall submit the <br />design and location of the directory sign to the Director of Planning and <br />Community Development for review and approval. <br />51. Prior to installation of any tenant or project identification signs, a comprehensive <br />sign program shall be submitted for review approval by the Director of Planning <br />and Community Development. <br />52. At no time shall balloons, banners, pennants, or other attention-getting devices <br />be utilized on the site except as allowed by Section 18.96.060K of the Zoning <br />Ordinance for grand openings or by Section 18.116.040 of the Zoning Ordinance <br />if approved as part of a temporary conditional use permit. At no time shall spot <br />lighting be used in conjunction with such grand openings and/or promotional <br />events. <br />53. The applicant shall install at least two trash receptacles within the sidewalk area <br />along the retail storefronts. The trash receptacle design and locations shall be <br />shown on the plans submitted for issuance of building permits and shall be <br />subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning and Community <br />Development prior to issuance of building permits for the project. <br />54. Prior to installation of any outdoor dining furniture for the commercial uses, the <br />applicant or tenant shall obtain an outdoor dining permit from the City. Plans <br />showing the location and design of the outdoor dining furniture shall be included <br />with the outdoor dining permit application. <br />55. Only modular newspaper dispensers accommodating more than one <br />(1) newspaper shall be allowed outside of the buildings within the development. <br />The design of these dispensers shall be approved by the Director of Planning <br />and Community Development. Dispensers within the public right-of-way shall <br />require an encroachment permit by the Engineering Department. <br />56. Restaurant tenants with cooking facilities shall be equipped at all times with <br />filtering devices to minimize odors and fumes. Details of said devices shall be <br />shown on the tenant improvement plans submitted for issuance of building <br />permits and shall be subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning <br />and Community Development and Chief Building Official prior to issuance of <br />building permits for the tenant improvements. <br />57. Restaurant tenants shall include a contained area for cleaning mats, containers, <br />and equipment. The wash area shall be covered or shall be designed to prevent <br />runoff onto or from the area. The area shall be connected to the sanitary sewer, <br />subject to approval by DSRSD, or shall be collected in a containment area and <br />removed regularly by a disposal and recycling service. If connected to the <br />8 <br />