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as it now exists or as i~ may be amended from time to time, The <br />Finance pfficer shall serve as the depositary and have custgdy of• <br />all Authority funds from whatever source, and shall perform .the , <br />following functions: <br />a. Receive. and receipt for Punds for. the Authority and. <br />place them in appropriate accounts oP a financial institution, <br />checking accounts or interest bearing government acceunts to the <br />credit of the Authority, and invest any surplus funds in accordance <br />with Government Coda section 53601 as that section exists or as it <br />may be amended from time to time) <br />b. Se responsible upon offieial bond fox the <br />safekeeping and disbursement of all Authority money sb held; <br />c. Draw. warrants ar otherwise be responsible to certify <br />the payment o£ demands against the Authority when approved by the <br />Authority or by a person authorized by the Authority to so approve; <br />d. Pay any sums due from Authority money,•, or any ~ ~~ <br />portion thereof, only upon warrants or other equivalent <br />certification pursuant to procedures established by the Authority. <br />e. Verify and report in writing an the first day of <br />July, October, January and April of each year to the Authority and <br />to the contracting parties to this Agreement the. amount of money <br />held for the Authority, as well as the amount of receipts and the <br />amount paid out since the lhst report to the Authority; and <br />f. Pursuant to~Government,Code section 6505.6 as it now <br />exists or as it may be amended from time to•time, the finance <br />officer shall cause an independent. audit of the accounts and <br />4 <br />14 <br />9l 'd 6tiLL'ON ~ 4bliana~ ivaN ~eunn:c onn~~n~~,o <br />