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o. to adopt annually a budget setting Forth all <br />administrative, operational and•capital expenses for the Authority, <br />together with the apportionment of such expenses by levy against <br />each agency to the extent necessary; <br />p: to act by and on behalf of Alameda County ~or the <br />purposes of Government Code section 66780.8 and Health and Safety <br />Ccde sections 25135 through 257,35.6 as those sections exist or•as <br />they may be amended from time to time in ordex• to seek state <br />funding to defray the cost of •prepairing, adopting,. amending, <br />administering and enforcing the Alameda County Hazardous Waste <br />Management Plan; ' <br />q. to determine the representation and membership of <br />the Hazardous Waste Management Advisory Committee established. <br />pursuant to Health and Safety Code section .257.35.2 as that section <br />assists or~as it maybe amended from time tp time.. 7as this regard; <br />the Agencies agree that the advisory committee shall consist of a <br />maximum of 12 members, including at least one representative of <br />industry, one representative oP an environmental organization, one <br />representative of the public, and at least three members of the <br />governing boards of the Agencies selected by the City Selection <br />Committee. Other members may be drawn from the fields of <br />education, small and large industry, the Alameda County <br />Environmental Health Department, Wastewater treat7aeT3t and _ • <br />management, air quality management, •f ire and/or hazardous materials <br />response. <br />r. to recommend, -adopt and amend the Alameda County <br />R <br />10 <br />dl 'd 6hLL'CN ~ro113n11 ;xav aoi~i ~r a;c <br />