park, and they are trying to now update that overall plan. With the CarrAmerica area, they are
<br />looking primarily at updating the FAR to .6 overall, they are surrounded by parking, the park has
<br />multiple large organization users, and he supports integrating residential and mixed uses in the
<br />campus. He described the proximities of buildings and BART, they propose to increase parking
<br />in areas least visible in two structures and add additional square footage to what is built today to
<br />a .6 FAR, they propose adding a business hotel and about 10,000 square feet of retail to serve
<br />the campus in the hotel site. Internally, they created pedestrian and vehicular linkages to make
<br />it a more openly accessible campus, said there are four and five story parking structures,
<br />displayed a build out of an additional of 480,000 square feet or a .6 FAR, as well as build-out of
<br />the hotel and a small amount of retail. He completed his presentation by showing the
<br />differences made from the 2007 workshop, stating they modified the buildings to be one story
<br />smaller but with a larger footprint.
<br />Don Reber, BRE Properties, reiterated the process of a specific plan versus a PUD amendment,
<br />said at this time they were only looking at 3-4 properties which will supplement the business
<br />park with additional residential and commercial. He discussed BRE Properties' goals and
<br />objectives in investing in the park, their work with W.P. Kerry, said they can jointly provide a
<br />stand-alone affordable housing project and are requesting feedback from the Council and
<br />Planning Commission as to how they feel about it. They have been involved in the process for
<br />about six years and need to come to a conclusion.
<br />Brooks Gordon, W.P. Kerry, provided a background on W.P. Kerry, stating they acquired the
<br />Shaklee building and excess land in 2004 and are along-term real estate investor, and said
<br />their goal is to determine what the process will be in order to move forward.
<br />Glen Simmons, Dahlin Group, gave a PowerPoint overview of the project sites, discussed
<br />pedestrian trails which would connect BART to the BRE site, said the overall project is about
<br />450 units on 18 acres, pointed out the 33 foot wide public easement and 15 foot wide setback,
<br />leaving a net site impact of 13-14 acres, leaving 25 units to the acre in gross or 32 units to the
<br />acre net. He presented the BRE site, stating the proposal is fora 240-unit apartment complex
<br />of 3-story buildings, a fitness center and pool. He presented the W.P. Kerry site which will
<br />include a 9,000 square foot park element, a 130-unit, 3-story townhouse project, parking
<br />garage, 3 and 4-bedroom units of about 1800 square feet, and between 70 to 80, 1-3 bedroom
<br />affordable units of 600-1,000 square feet and presented a slide of the townhouse elevations.
<br />Councilmember Sullivan confirmed with Don Reber that the levels of affordable units would
<br />range from low to very low, staff indicated there was a need for these levels, as well as family
<br />size units. He said they can take advantage of State bond financing and bring in a developer
<br />who has experience in managing these types of projects. They anticipate it looking similar to the
<br />EAH project which is in Dublin called Camellia Place.
<br />Councilmember Cook-Kallio said she toured the Camellia Place project 6-7 months ago and she
<br />was surprised how well put together it was, and she felt it would be advantageous for
<br />Councilmembers to look at some of those. She said she could not tell the difference between
<br />the for-sale project and the TOD affordable housing project.
<br />Commissioner Fox said the total units would add up to 370, which exceeds the 333 dwelling
<br />units. Mr. Reber agreed they are requesting more, and said they were trying to develop as
<br />close as they could to the direction of the preferred alternative, but also trying to respect the
<br />direction of the mixed use designation which is seeking a 30-unit to the acre product.
<br />CC/PC Joint Workshop Minutes 10 August 27, 2008
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