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COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT AND MUTUAL RELEASE <br /> <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , <br /> <br />1985, by and between JOSEPH ANTONINI, Executor of the Estate of <br />Virginia D. Perry of the City of Pleasanton, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, hereinafter called Antonini, and the CITY OF <br />PLEASANTON, a Municipal corporation, of the County of Alameda, <br />State of California, hereinafter called Pleasanton, is a compro- <br />mise settlement and mutual release whereby the above-mentioned <br />parties hereby extinguish their mutual rights and claims, arising <br />from their disputes and differences as to the rights, duties, and <br />obligations each has arising from the Complaint in Eminent Do- <br />main, filed by the City of Pleasanton, March 14'~' 1984, in the <br />Superior Court of the State of California, County of Alameda, <br />under action number H-97407-1. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants <br />herein contained and of the prinicipal sum of SIX HUNDRED THOU- <br />SAND and NO/100 ($600,000.00) DOLLARS allocated Five Hundred <br />Ninety Thousand and NO/100 ($590,000.00) Dollars, to real proper- <br />ty, Ten Thousand and No/100 ($10,000.00) Dollars, to improvements <br />plus interest at NINE-(-9%) percent from June 13, 1984 until paid <br />plus ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TEN and 26/100 ($1,210.26) DOLLARS <br />for property taxes and assessments paid by Antonini for said <br />property less SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE and 34/100 ($783.34) <br />DOLLARS dollars for rents received by Antonini and payable to <br /> <br />Pleasanton ~or a total sum of Dollars to be paid <br /> <br />by Pleasanton to Antonini, receipt of which is hereby acknow- <br />ledged by Antonini and in consideration of a mutual execution by <br /> <br /> <br />