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Demand Charges-Bimonthly: <br />Customer Class Local <br />Status 1 =per 220 gpd purchased <br />Domestic strength (residential single-family) $2.70 <br />Domestic strength (condominium) 2.70 <br />Domestic strength (multi-family) 2.70 <br />High strength <br />Auto steam cleaning 2.70 <br />Bakeries 2.70 <br />Commercial laundries 2.70 <br />Groceries with garbage disposals 2.70 <br />Mortuaries 2.70 <br />Restaurants (fast food) 2.70 <br />Restaurants (full service) 2.70 <br />Status 2 =per 220 gpd connected <br />Domestic strength $20.04 <br />High strength <br />Auto steam cleaning 20.04 <br />Bakeries 20.04 <br />Commercial laundries 20.04 <br />Groceries with garbage disposals 20.04 <br />Mortuaries 20.04 <br />Restaurants (fast food) 20.04 <br />Restaurants (full service) 20.04 <br />Section 2. This ordinance shall be published once within fifteen days after its <br />adoption in The Valley Times, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of <br />Pleasanton. <br />Section 3. This ordinance shall be deemed an urgency ordinance, to take effect <br />immediately on August 19, 2008 for the following reasons: On July 1, 2008, Pleasanton <br />changed the regional rates for sewer service based on changes to those rates that the Dublin <br />San Ramon Services District had made. One of those changes involved a change in the billing <br />methodology for schools. The billing methodology for local sewer rates for schools was not <br />changed. In order for these billing methodologies to be the same and for the public health, <br />safety and welfare, this change in the methodology for the local rates applicable to schools <br />needs to go into effect immediately. <br />