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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PLEASANTON AMENDING SECTION 2 (PART) OF ORDINANCE 1082, AS <br />AMENDED, BY AMENDING EXHIBIT A-TABLE 15.20.180 OF SECTION 15.20.180 <br />OF THE PLEASANTON MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING USER RATES FOR <br />SEWER SERVICE AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF TO TAKE EFFECT <br />ON AUGUST 19, 2008. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON DOES <br />HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Section 2 (part) of Ordinance 1082, as amended, and Section 15.20.180 <br />are hereby further amended to read as follows: <br />"Section 15.20.180 Schedule of Rates and Charges <br />A. User Charges: The City's portion of the user charges are set forth in table 15.20.180 <br />of this section. The total user charges that include the City's portion ("local") and the District's <br />portion ("regional") are set forth in the master fee schedule. The single family user charges for <br />properties within the Ruby Hill subdivision that are served by Livermore are set forth in the <br />master fee schedule. <br />(Subsections B and C, no change.) <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Table 15.20.180 <br />BIMONTHLY USER CHARGES BY CLASS <br />A. Sewer Rates And Charges <br />User Charges-Bimonthly: <br />Customer Class Billin Units Local <br />Residential:* <br />Single-family DU $21.70 <br />Townhouses DU 14.90 <br />Condominiums DU 14.90 <br />Multiple-family DU 11.35 <br />Secondary unit DU 11.35 <br />Single-family (Ruby Hill)** DU ** <br />* Discounts: <br />1. Senior citizens 62 years or older who provide evidence of age shall be given a 20 <br />percent reduction in rates for owner occupied residence use only and for 1 unit only. <br />2. Customers who qualify for low income utility discounts through the LIRA, SSI, or SSDI <br />programs from PG&E or cable television shall be given a 30 percent reduction in rates. <br />Verification will be by submitting a copy of a bill from either utility showing the discount. <br />3. Discounts shall not be additive. <br />**The Rub Hill rates are set forth in the Cit 's Master Fee Schedule. <br />