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STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL <br />CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT -VENDOR OPI CONTRACTIREOUISITION NUMBER <br />CHP 78V (Rev. 4-OB) OPI 076 <br />It is a mandatory requirement for the contractor/vendor to complete and submit the Conflict of Interest and <br />Confidentiality Statement prior to commencing contract services and/or delivering requested commodities. Failure to <br />complete and submit the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statement prior to commencement of work and/or <br />delivery of requested commodities will be grounds for contract termination. <br />As an authorized representative and/or corporate officer of the company named below, I warrant my company <br />and its employees have no personal or financial interest and no present or past employment or activity which <br />would be incompatible with participating in any activity related to this contract. For the duration of this <br />contract, I warrant my company and its employees will not accept any gift, benefit, gratuity or consideration, <br />or begin a personal or financial interest in a party who is associated with this contract. <br />I warrant my company and its employees not to disclose any financial, statistical, personal, technical, <br />media-related, and all other data and information made available to use by the state for the purpose of <br />providing services to the California Highway Patrol (CHP) in conjunction with the contract identified above. I <br />warrant that only those employees who are authorized and required to use such materials will have access to <br />them. Authorization documentation must be provided to the CHP prior to the start of the contract. <br />I further warrant that all materials provided by the state will be returned promptly after use; all copies or <br />derivations of the materials will be physically and/or electronically sanitized at a minimum in accordance with <br />the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST), <br />43 NIST Special Publication 800-36. I will include, with the returned materials, a letter attesting to the <br />complete return of materials and documenting the destruction of copies and derivations. Failure to so comply <br />will subject my company to criminal and civil liabilities, including all damages to the state. I authorize the state <br />to inspect and verify the destruction document(s) as described above. <br />I warrant that my company will not enter into any agreements or discussions with a third party concerning <br />such materials prior to receiving written confirmation from the state that such third party has an agreement <br />with the state similar in nature to this one. I agree to immediately advise the CHP contract coordinator of any <br />person(s) who has access to project confidential information and intends to disclose that information in <br />violation of this agreement. <br />NAME OF COMPANY <br />Citv of Pleasanton - Pleasanton Police <br />NAME OF GOMPANV REPRESENTATIVE TITLE <br />Nelson Fialho City Manager <br />SIGNATURE OF COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE <br />c0]8WO8.frp <br />