General Fund Balance - June 50, 1885
<br />
<br /> Difference
<br /> ~dopted (Over)
<br /> Budge~ Update Under
<br />
<br />6udited Fund Balance
<br /> (7/01/84> $ 2,94~,000 $ 4,470,980 $(1,520,880
<br />Projected Revenue 10,779,685 12.622,484 (1,842,801
<br />Projected Expenditures 10,880,828 12,838,352 (1,657,42~
<br />Contingency Reserve 8ee,eee 0 see,¢00
<br />
<br />Transfers In:
<br /> Revenue Sharing 265,000 315,000 (50,000
<br /> Gas Tax Funds 6,000 6.000 0
<br /> Sewer Fund (net) 2,476 2,476 0
<br /> Water Fund (net) 83,000 63,000 0
<br /> HCD 11,329 11,329 0
<br /> ~ssessment Dist. 480,000 0 480,000
<br />
<br />Transfers Out:
<br /> Capital Impr.(net) 257,212 148,2!2 89,000
<br />
<br />Projected Balance
<br /> (6/50/85) $ 2,528,347 $ 4,704,705 $(2,175,558
<br />
<br />The following is an explanation by major category above, of the
<br />changes in the General Fund Budget as adopted by Council on June
<br />28,1984.
<br />
<br />Beginning Fund Balance - ?/01/84
<br />
<br />The audited General Fund beginning fund balance as of June Ze,
<br />1984 was $1,550,989 greater than estimated at the time the budget
<br />was approved. This was due to actual revenues exceeding revenue
<br />projections ($611,248; or G.~5%), actual expenditures being less
<br />than projected ($484,707; or 4.79%), and a transfer of excess
<br />funds in several assessment districts being transferred to the
<br />General Fund as approved by Council ($590,7G?). Therefore, the
<br />audited beginning fund balance is $4,470,980.
<br />
<br /> 2
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