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RES 86544
City of Pleasanton
RES 86544
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Div. 1 <br />51282 CITIES AND COUNTIES Title 5 <br /> cancellation of a <br />(c) For purposes of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) cancella- Tina: <br />"(a) That the • <br />tion of a contract shall be in the public interest only if the council or aistent with the , <br />board makes the following findings: (1) that other public concerns ana <br />"(b) That cenr <br />substantially outweigh the objectives of this chapter; and (2) that interest. <br />there is no proximate noncontracted land which is both available and •'The existence <br />another use of tl <br />suitable for the use to which it is proposed the contracted land be be sufficient real <br />put, or, that development of the contracted land would provide more a contract. A ~~~ <br />the land mar he <br />contiguous patterns of urban development than development of proxi- is no proximate, <br />mate noncontracted land. able for the use <br />the contracted lay <br />As used in this subdi~•ision "proximate, noncontracted land" •`Tne nnecon°°. <br /> ing agricultural <br />means land not restricted by contract pursuant to this chapter, which sufficient reason <br />is sufficiently close to land which is so restricted that it can serve as contract. The <br /> <br />a practical alternative for the use which is proposed for the restricted the existing use <br />there is no orl~e <br />land. ble agricultural L <br /> be put." <br />As used in this subdivision "suitable" for the proposed use means conscrnccion ° <br />that the salient features of the proposed use can be served by land 2s06, see Histor <br />not restricted by contract pursuant to this chapter. Such nonre- <br />stricted land may be a single parcel or may be a combination of con- <br />tiguous or diseontiguous parcels. see «~est'e Calif <br />(d) For purposes of subdivision (a), the uneconomic character <br />of an existing agricultural use shall not by itself be sufficient reason valnauon of opr <br />for cancellation of the contract. The uneconomic character of the ex- cion coae <br />fisting use may be considered only if there is no other reasonable or <br />comparable agricultural use to which the land may be put. I. In general <br />(e) The landowner's petition shall be accompanied by a proposal Land presen <br />for a s ecified alternative use of the land. The ro osal for the alter- <br />p p p landowner and <br />under Land Con <br />native use shall list those governmental agencies known by the land- seq.), conld not <br />owner to have permit authority related to the proposed alternative for subdivision <br />nesa of contrar <br />use, and the provisions and requirements of Section 51283.4 shall be was predictable. <br />fully applicable thereto. The level of specificity required in a propos- lative body mac; <br />to cancellation, <br />al for a specified alternate use shall be determined by the board or <br />council as that necessary to permit them to make the findings re- § 51282. <br />quired. <br />(f) In approving a cancellation pursuant to this section, the <br />board or council shall not be required to make any findings other than <br />or in addition to those expressly set forth in this section, and, where The repealed <br />applicable, in Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code. issi, c. loss, a ' <br /> "(a) The pur <br />(Added by Stats.1969, c. 1372, p. 2831, § 33. Amended by Stats.1978, c. provide a one-t <br />1120, p. 3430, § 11; Stats.1981, c. 1095, § 2.) and counties. :. <br />fected landowu~ <br />HiStO[ical NOte applications of <br /> chapter and tii <br />As added in 1869, the section read: and potential I. <br />"The landowner may petition the board as to all or any part of the subject land. cities and coup <br />or council for cancellation of any contract The board or council may approve the <br />576 <br /> <br />
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