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project, said declaration having been prepared for the <br />complete underlying project including reclassification <br />of the property from low density residential and open <br />space to a planned unit development, single family, <br />residential project subject to certain conditions; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the finding of the City Council that the <br />proposed alternative use of the subject property is <br />consistent with the City of Pleasanton General Plan <br />pursuant to the provisions of Section 51280 et seq., of <br />the Government Code of the State of California in that <br />subject property is currently planned for residential <br />development; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the finding of the City Council that the <br />cancellation of the contract is not likely to result in <br />the removal of adjacent land from agricultural use in <br />that property is presently used for grazing and open <br />space uses; the property has been zoned for urban <br />development since 1965; a portion of the northern <br />boundary of the property abuts an already developed <br />park site; the western boundary abuts a single family <br />residential area which has been in existence since <br />1965; low density residential open space and grazing <br />activities surround other portions of the property <br />boundaries; grazing acivities may continue on the site <br />if the cancellation is approved; if more intensive <br />development is proposed, adjacent grazing activities <br />would be able to continue as it has previously been <br />shown to be compatible with adjacent urban residential <br />densities; the adjoining preserves are grazing lands <br />and not intensely cultivated; the land conservation <br />contract covering the 197 acres to the south will <br />expire on December 31, 1990; and therefore, there <br />should be negligible impact on the adjoining <br />agricultural preserves by this cancellation. <br />WHEREAS, it is the finding of this City Council that <br />this cancellation is for an alternative use which is <br />consistent with the applicable provisions of the City <br />General Plan in that the land plan for the subject <br />property conforms to the various designations for the <br />3 <br />