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subsequent Negative Declaration was adopted by your Council <br />at the time of approval of the PUD for the 129 unit <br />residential project. These prior determinations of no <br />significant impact preclude the necessity of your Council <br />having to adopt a new Negative Declaration. Therefore, no <br />draft Negative Declaration accompanies this project. <br />Staff Recommendation <br />Staff recommends your Council: <br />1. make the appropriate findings as described above; <br />2. approve the request for tentative cancellations subject to <br />the following conditions and contingencies; <br />a. that the applicant shall pay in full any cancellation <br />fee and deferred taxes as computed under provisions of <br />SEctions 51283 and 51283.1, and unless the fee is paid <br />or a Certificate of Cancellation of the Agreement is <br />issued within one year from date of recording the <br />Tentative Certificate of Cancellation such fees shall be <br />recomputed as required by Section 51283.4; <br />b. that the applicant shall obtain all permits necessary to <br />commence the project. <br />3. Direct the City Clerk to record the Certificate of Tentative <br />Cancellation setting forth the name of the land owner <br />requesting cancellation, the fact that Certificate of <br />Cancellation of Contract will be issued and recorded at such <br />time as such specified conditions and contingencies are <br />satisfied, a description of the conditions and contingencies <br />which must be satisfied, and legal description of the <br />property. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Brian W. Swift ,James R. Walker ~~ <br />Director Planning and City Manager <br />Community Development <br />BWS/kh(kcc86418) <br />Attachments: 1. Developer Proposed Findings for Cancellation <br />of Williamson Act Conservation Agreement <br />1975-15/Lund <br />2. Section 51282 of the Government Code. <br />SR:86:418 <br />