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uSx8 observe and evaluate the excavation o~ the ke:ffay and abutn~nts. <br /> If foundation problems are.discovered, recamendations will be- <br /> rode to move the embankmat to a nearby, more suitable location. <br /> <br />~SK 9 Obsess and evaluate borrow pit(s) where clay'core material will <br /> be obtained. This will entail sampling and testing of mterial, <br /> and full-time observations. during borrow operations to observe ~I <br /> quality and consistenc~ of material being taken. <br /> <br />~SK 10 Observe placement and ccepacticn of fill for eeban~_~t On <br /> hall-time basis~ take moisture density tests, docussnt <br /> observations and test results. Cbserve excavatim of emergency <br /> spillway. <br /> <br />~SK 11 l~ake final observatiam at completion of work and prepare brief <br /> operation and maintenance guidelines for the City. <br /> <br /> <br />