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THE CITY OF <br />-- ~~ ° -~- ~"' CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT <br />j~L~£~Sl~NTONo <br />U <br />~dtrr~te• 15, 2008 <br />City Manager <br />TITLE: TECHNICAL CORRECTION TO LOCAL SEWER RATES AS APPLIED <br />TO SCHOOLS <br />SUMMARY <br />On June 3, 2008, the City Council adopted the Master Fee Schedule that updated the <br />DSRSD and City of Livermore regional sewer rates, to be effective July 1, 2008. The <br />Council also adopted an urgency ordinance that made technical changes to Chapter 15 <br />of the Pleasanton Municipal Code consistent with the amendment to the Master Fee <br />Schedule. The local sewer rates, however, did not change either in the Master Fee <br />Schedule nor the ordinance. In the past, the sewer rates for schools had been charged <br />based on average daily attendance (ADA). Based on the recent study by DSRSD of its <br />regional sewer rates, the regional portion of school sewer rates were changed from a <br />rate based on ADA to a rate based on consumption (CCF). Per the Sewer Contract <br />between DSRSD and the City, the City was required to implement this change in billing <br />methodology. For schools and other public education institutions, the City's local sewer <br />rate shown in the Master Fee Schedule and the ordinance that Council approved on <br />June 3 was based on ADA; however, in order to be consistent with the billing <br />methodology for the regional rate, that rate also needed to be changed to CCF. The City <br />hired HDR to convert the local sewer rate from ADA to CCF. Staff received the <br />information on June 16 and reviewed it with the Pleasanton Unified School District <br />(PUSD) on June 24, 2008. Because this change is just a change in the billing rate <br />methodology, the net impact to the PUSD is minimal to none. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the City Council amend Pleasanton's Master Fee Schedule <br />(Section X of Exhibit A) and amend Table 15.20.180 in the Municipal Code to reflect the <br />changes in local sewer rates for schools due to the change in billing methodology, with <br />those changes effective July 1, 2008. <br />FINANCIAL STATEMENT <br />There is no impact to the City General Fund. The local sewer fees are for the sewer <br />collection system owned and operated by the City. Sewer services provided to the <br />PUSD (and all sewer customers) are on a full cost recovery basis. <br />