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organization is expected to be at least two years from the time of the <br />appointment to the Committee. <br />17. Business Park - A representative from the owners or management of one of <br />the following business parks: Pleasanton Park, Hacienda Business Park, <br />Stanley Business Park, Valley Business Park or Bernal Corporate Center. <br />18. Commercial Service Firm - A representative from a business specializing in <br />commercial services with an office located in Pleasanton. <br />19. Professional Service Firm - A representative from a business that provides <br />professional services with an office located in Pleasanton. <br />20. Infrastructure - A representative from a business or public entity that provides <br />infrastructure services, such as water, sewer, or power, which has an office <br />located in Pleasanton or who directly, serves the Pleasanton community. <br />21. Medical Services - A representative from a business that provides or is <br />involved with the provision of medical services with an office located in <br />Pleasanton. <br />22. Business At Large - A representative from a business or company with an <br />office located in Pleasanton. <br />23. Community Based Organization - A representative recommended by the <br />board of directors of a local community based organization whose <br />membership in the organization is expected to be at least two years from the <br />time of the appointment to the Committee. <br />Section 4: Members shall be appointed to the Committee in accordance with City <br />resolution No. 97-18, A Resolution Establishing Procedures for Appointments to City Boards <br />and Commissions, except specific groups or organizations as identified by the City Council (i.e., <br />the Chamber of Commerce, the Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Pleasanton <br />Unified School District) may choose their own representatives, subject to confirmation by the <br />City Council. <br />Section 5: The Committee shall hold regular meetings as follows: <br />a. The Committee shall meet at least quarterly and no more than bi-monthly with <br />the time and place and date set by the Committee. <br />b. Special meetings may be called by the Committee chairperson or by any twelve <br />members, provided written notice is given twenty-hour hours in advance of the <br />special meeting to the following: each Committee member, local newspapers of <br />general circulation, and to anyone who has filed with the City Clerk or the <br />Economic Development Director a written request for notice. Notice of meetings <br />shall comply in all respects with Section 54950 et seq. of the Government Code, <br />known commonly as the Ralph M. Brown Act. <br />c. All meetings shall be public; an agenda shall be prepared; minutes of all <br />meetings shall be kept and filed by the Economic Development Director. <br />