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CITY COUNCIL .0032% of full value <br />OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON Debt Service District No. 2 <br /> ALAMEDA COUNTY, .0032% of full value <br /> CALIFORNIA Section 2: This resolution shall <br />RESOLUTION NO. 86-380 become effective immediately <br />RESOLUTION FIXING THE TAX upon its passage and adoption. <br />RATE FOR DEBT SERVICE ON Section 3: This resolution shall <br />VOTER APPROVED GENERAL be published once within fifteen <br />OBLIGATION BONDS DURING (15) days after its adoption in <br />FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 "The Valley Times" a newspaper <br />WHEREAS, the City of Pleas- of General circulation, published <br />anton, a general law city, must and circulated in the City of <br />establish its 1986-87 fiscal year Pleasanton. <br />tax rate for debt service on voter THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED <br />approved General Obligation AUGUST 19, 1986 BY THE FOL- <br />Bonds and notify the County Au- LOWING VOTE: <br />ditor of said tax rate before Sep- AYES: Councilmembers <br />tember 1, 1986; and Mercer, Mohr, Butler and Wood <br />WHEREAS, the tax rate for NOES: None <br />Debt Service on Bond issues ap- ABSENT: Mayor Brandes <br />)roved by the voters is specifically ABSTAIN: None <br />exempt from the tax rate limita- /s,/Frank C. Brandes, Jr., <br />tions imposed by California Con- Mayor <br />stitution Article XIII A (Proposition KARIN MOHR, <br />13). VICE MAYOR <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY ATTEST: <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF is/James R. Walker, <br />PLEASANTON RESOLVES AS City Clerk <br />FOLLOWS: By Doris George, <br />Section I: The tax rate for debt Deputy City Clerk <br />service on voter approved General APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Obligation Bonds for the City of /s/Peter D. MacDonald, <br />Pleasanton for fiscal year 1986- City Attorney <br />87 is fixed as Follows: Legal PT-VT 8496 <br /> Debt Service District No. 1 Publish September 3, 1986 <br /> <br /> <br />