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Exhibit A: <br />The Department of Housing and Urban Development's <br />"National Call to Action for Affordable Housing through Regulatory Reform" <br />HUD's National Call to Action is a campaign designed to enlist states, local communities, and <br />affordable housing advocacy groups across the nation to commit to producing affordable <br />housing through public participation in a national network for regulatory reform. <br />The Department's goals in establishing its "National Call to Action" are: <br />^ To Create a national network of states, communities, and affordable housing advocacy <br />groups that have made the pledge to actively engage in regulatory reform, thereby <br />strengthening the national commitment to providing affordable housing for America's <br />workforce. <br />^ To Assist states and communities in their efforts to initiate regulatory reform and increasing <br />the supply of affordable housing by encouraging the creation of state and local affordable <br />housing task forces. <br />^ To Educate affordable housing advocacy groups on the issues of regulatory barriers to <br />affordable housing, and by doing so, empower these organizations to work with their <br />respective jurisdictions in addressing regulatory reform. <br />^ To Promote awareness of the Department's America's Affordable Communities Initiative <br />(AACI) and Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse (RBC), and encourage states, communities, <br />and affordable housing advocacy groups across the nation to address the need for <br />regulatory reform that increases the supply of affordable housing. <br />