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program in case the Commission might want to consider further modification to this <br />requirement in the future (i.e., eliminating the first-time buyer requirement altogether). <br />Analysis of DPA Program Funding <br />With the recent allocation of $250,000 from Ca1HFA and the Council's approval of $200,000 <br />fro the Lower Income Housing Fund, the City currently has a total of $450,000 to fund DPA <br />loans. As shown in the table below, the aggregate demand for DPA program funds based on <br />pre-approvals (and anticipated Birch Terrace) applications may exceed the amount of available <br />funds. The table is sorted in order of those applicants that are most likely to require funding in <br />the near term. The DPA program guidelines specifically state that a funding commitment is not <br />made until several conditions are met: <br />• Copy of the executed purchase agreement submitted to City <br />• Copy of loan qualification letter for first mortgage submitted to City <br />• Evidence of borrower's 3% down payment provided to City <br />• Borrower completes homebuyer training <br />DPA program funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, it is possible <br />that the five prospective borrowers under category 4 in the table below may not have funding <br />available by the time they locate suitable properties. <br /> Borrower Category Low Mod Funds Required <br />(50/50 City/CaIHFA) <br />1 Pre-approved borrowers expected to open escrow soon 1 1 $100,000 <br />2 Birch Terrace buyers (in contract) 1 2 $140,000 <br />3 Birch Terrace buyers (anticipated) 4 0 $240,000 <br />4 Pre-approved borrowers actively searching for properties 4 1 $280,000 <br /> 10 4 $760,000 <br />If the program continues to be successful and interest remains high, the City may need to <br />consider additional funding options, including the further allocation of City funds from the <br />Lower Income Housing Fund as well as a future application for additional HELP funds from <br />Ca1HFA. <br />Page - 6 - <br />