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Discussion <br />The following table provides a history and timeline of the DPA program: <br />November 2003 Ca1HFA provided an initial allocation of $450,000 to the DPA program through its <br /> HELP (Housing Enabling Local Partnerships) program. These funds were matched <br /> with $150,000 in Ci funds for a total loan ool of $600,000. <br />November 2004 - Response to the DPA program was slow due to the cost of market rate housing and the <br />March 2006 low stock ofbelow-market priced units. Only four (4) loans were issued between <br /> November 2004 and March 2006 3 low income; 1 moderate income . <br />November 2006 The remaining unused HELP allocation ($359,000) was terminated by CaIHFA in <br /> November 2006 after two one- ear extensions. <br />A ri12007 The Ci submitted a second a lication to Ca1HFA for $250,000 in HELP funds. <br />Apri12007 The City Council approved $200,000 in additional City funds to provide interim <br /> funding so that the DPA program could continue. In addition, the maximum loan <br /> amount was tem oraril reduced from $60,000 to $20,000. <br />January -August Twelve (12) new applications were received (the majority after July 2007 when interest <br />2007 in the ro ram a eared to s ike . Two of these were determined to be ineli ible. <br />August 2007 The City received approval for its second HELP application in the amount of $250,000, <br /> creatin a total loan ool of $450,000 in combination with the $200,000 in Ci funds. <br />August - All $450,000 in the DPA loan pool were expended and/or committed as follows: <br />November 2007 • Seven (7) loans to buyers of Birch Terrace BMR townhomes (5 low; 2 moderate) <br /> • One (1) loan to the buyer of a resale BMR home in Canyon Creek (1 low income) <br /> • Three 3 loans to bu ers of market-rate homes 21ow; 1 moderate <br />November 2007 - Staff has continued to receive frequent inquiries (e.g., 3-5 per week) from interested <br />Present parties who want to apply for a DPA loan. Most appear to be ready to purchase specific <br /> properties but need some type of additional secondary financing. These trends support <br /> a continuation of the sur a in activi and interest ex erienced since Au ust 2007. <br />In addition to the inquiries that staff continues to receive, the City issued eight (8) pre-approvals <br />between mid-2007 and November 2007 when the funds ran out. Although some of these <br />applications are no longer active, staff does not currently have funds to provide to these <br />applicants should their property transactions move forward. <br />The following tables provide a financial summary of the DPA program since its implementation: <br />2003 HELP Allocation $450 000 <br />Loan <br />No. Closing <br />Date Total <br />Loan HELP <br />Funds City <br />Funds <br />DPA01 Dec 2004 $40,000.00 $30 000.00 $10,000.00 <br />DPA02 Jun 2005 $40,000.00 $30 000.00 $10,000.00 <br />DPA03 Nov 2004 $20,000.00 $15 000.00 $5,000.00 <br />DPA04 Mar 2006 $32,000.00 $16 000.00 $16,000.00 <br />Used: $91.000.00 $41,000.00 <br />(Returned to CaIHFA Nov 2006:) $359,000.00 <br />Page-2- <br />