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to meet those particular statements made by the Commission. However, what is before the <br />Council is the Planning Commission's action, which is having children being picked up from <br />schools and brought to his facility from the hours of 11:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. for 20 students, and <br />for 10 students over the age of 16, having classes in the evening from 6:45 to 9:00 p.m. So, it is <br />not a situation where the Council can consider a revised plan. <br />Councilmember Sullivan clarified drop-in facilities similar to those like the Boys and Girls Clubs <br />and confirmed with Ms. Decker these facilities were mostly for teenagers who could come and <br />go, and that there was a time when the State created such a policy for these types of clubs due <br />to neighborhood needs. <br />Councilmember Sullivan referred to the background check and questioned if it was adequate. <br />City Manager Fialho said he was not familiar with the organization; staff has tried to process the <br />application on the grounds it was submitted, that the basis was a land use decision and staff <br />has treated it in this regard. City Attorney Roush agreed and said staff is trying to determine <br />whether the use is appropriate and one the Council is comfortable with. <br />Councilmember Sullivan confirmed that staff's primary concern is the proposal as submitted <br />which is not consistent with the location as far as kids coming and going in an industrial park or <br />where there is a lot of traffic. The second issue could be that based on staff's understanding of <br />the operation, it is really not consistent with the waiver letter from the State. He asked if the City <br />could place additional requirements on facilities like this and City Attorney Roush said the City is <br />not bound by the regulations that the State has promulgated because it is not in statute; that the <br />City is free to interpret to review what the use is and characterize it as what staff understands it <br />to be, and make recommendation to the Council based on their interpretation of the use versus <br />what the State would like to say it is. <br />Councilmember Sullivan questioned and confirmed that the State's letter was based on a phone <br />conversation. City Manager Fialho clarified also with the Council that two of the three findings <br />could be made by the Planning Commission and Finding 2 could not be made. <br />Vice Mayor Thorne believed the business model was interesting, it no doubt serves value to <br />many people, but he did not believe it was such a complicated issue. He said the operator is <br />picking up kids as young as 5 years old, transporting them to a central location where they <br />remain either under instruction or activities, to him this is a lot like a childcare facility, he shares <br />some of the same concerns expressed by fellow Councilmembers and would support upholding <br />the Planning Commission's decision. <br />Mayor Hosterman said it sounds like Mr. Pfund has a great program; he has been able to do <br />marvelous things for many children and 10 speakers spoke in support of him and his operation. <br />However it is about the Planning Commission's decision and the fact that the City has the <br />latitude to determine what kind of use this is. In her mind, it is a childcare facility, and as such, <br />for the protection of all families who may want to utilize his services, it would behoove Mr. Pfund <br />to move through the State process, secure his State licensing, return and open up the business <br />again and provide opportunity to families. <br />Councilmember McGovern again voiced her opinion about having along-term childcare facility <br />of any kind in an industrial zoning, suggested the City research more appropriate locations and <br />a future policy for these types of businesses, hoped the Council supported the idea, and said if <br />Mr. Pfund secures a childcare license, she confirmed he would then not have to do the 12 week <br />program but operate year-round. <br />City Council Minutes 9 May 6, 2008 <br />
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