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6/5/2008 2:51:23 PM
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children of all ages and could not freely come and go, and the use does not comply with the <br />zoning code. <br />There are a series of dates of actions that took place and staff found over the course of <br />submittal, the narratives have been inconsistent during meetings and no real understanding of <br />the proposal is in place. The appellant did not comply with the City's request to meet these <br />requirements, and based on historical performance staff recommended to the Planning <br />Commission that the 3 findings could not be made. <br />The Planning Commission evaluated findings and found that although there may be constraints, <br />they believed finding 1 could be made that adults are calculated based on 16 years and older <br />and evening parking could be provided by surrounding businesses not open in the evening. The <br />Commission could not make finding 2 as they felt it was in fact a structured program with <br />scheduled activities and children were supervised. The Commission also felt they could make <br />the 3 finding based on the January 24 narrative. She said staff has information that Mr. Pfund <br />had used the location as his residence and had a handgun on premises which the Planning <br />Commission did not believe was appropriate. <br />Therefore, staff recommends the Council adopt the resolution denying the appeal and uphold <br />the Planning Commission decision denying the use permit. <br />Mayor Hosterman opened the public hearing. <br />John Pfund, Tri-Valley Martial Arts, Appellant, presented various pictures of the business and <br />the property, said he has been teaching martial arts and working with children for over 30 years, <br />said staff acknowledges his use is compatible with other uses in the business park and <br />presented pictures and described operations of similar businesses in the business park. He <br />disagreed there was insufficient parking, presented pictures of the parking lot and said often the <br />lot is empty. Staff has indicated he failed to cease his operations when told to do so; however, <br />he received two letters which indicated he could continue until December 18; however, when he <br />returned from vacation in early January he found a letter dated December 26 from the City <br />ordering him to cease his business operation. He met with staff at the first opportunity on <br />January 7, staff alleges inconsistencies with his narratives, he reduced students from 30 to 20, <br />met with Jerry Iserson, and explained why he should re-open and he again re-wrote his <br />narrative, stating the only inconsistency is the change in the maximum amount of students. <br />Mr. Pfund said the chief concern of staff has to do with his free to come and go waiver and that <br />he was not allowed to say he provides care and supervision. He said he has worked with the <br />licensing program manager of Community Care Licensing who came up with a solution that <br />satisfies all concerns. An April 3 letter states that his program is approved for exemption as a <br />private recreation program; that if operates for more than 15 hours per week it must be no more <br />than 12 weeks in duration and back to back sessions are permitted. She also has confirmed he <br />has the right to require children being signed out of the facility and also that he is now providing <br />care and supervision of the kids. Children are no longer free to come and go, he no longer <br />needs the waiver and he can sign kids in and out and requested the City condition the use <br />permit on requiring kids to be signed in and out by a responsible adult. His only change will be <br />the 12 week contract to comply with State regulations. <br />He said one Planning Commissioner wanted to classify him as a childcare center, but the <br />Licensing Program Manager said childcare requirements are those catering to children fewer <br />than 5 and workers are required to have certain education and certifications. Those older need <br />City Council Minutes 5 May 6, 2008 <br />
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