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6/5/2008 2:51:23 PM
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6/5/2008 2:51:22 PM
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the discretionary review items. There are 7 design criteria which relates to how it fits into the <br />neighborhood, compatibility, views are maintained, and others. <br />Ms. Decker presented a series of photographs with views from the appellant's home and of Mr. <br />Bawa's home, the 3 to 1 slope, swimming pool, proposed second unit, story poles, and said <br />staff asked the neighbors close to the project if there were concerns and their answers at the <br />Planning Commission and at the Zoning Administrators hearing were no; they felt the <br />architecture was suited to the location and it was pleasant; however, they did have concerns <br />about the privacy and proximity impacts. Mr. Bawa was asked to possibly move the home closer <br />to his residence, but the majority of the Commission believed it was not appropriate, given the <br />many concessions and revisions already from neighbor concerns and the amount of time taken <br />to do so. <br />Vice Mayor Thorne said there was discussion about moving the unit away from the western <br />property line by 4 feet, and questioned staff's objection to this. Ms. Decker said staff was not <br />opposed to this, but they heard from neighbors the issue was not necessarily moving it 4 feet, <br />but that staff did not have an opportunity to evaluate this or evaluate it at other locations and <br />how it would possibly impact other neighbors. <br />Vice Mayor Thorne believed it did not make sense having windows in the unit but having them <br />blocked by foliage and thought the home would be better served moved back from the property <br />line. Ms. Decker said the windows required in the rear area in the bedroom are required for <br />exiting, egress and ingress. She said both neighbors had concerns with view blockage with <br />foliage. The homeowners association, through CC&R's, have indicated they do not want foliage <br />greater than 12 feet in height so views would not be blocked by other residents, and she <br />confirmed staff was requiring foliage on the western fence line. <br />The Council took a break at 9:42 p.m. and thereafter reconvened the regular meeting at 9:48 <br />p.m. <br />Mayor Hosterman opened the public hearing. <br />Xin Chen, Appellant, asked the Council to review the case with serious consideration of all <br />concerns, did not believe his concerns were seriously considered or reviewed and invited the <br />Council to their backyard to view the impacts. <br />Aman Bawa, owner, said to address Vice Mayor Thorne's comments, the placement of the pool <br />house was done with a lot of considerations in mind given views from the Fineberg's house, <br />which is behind the guest house. They tried to line up the guest house so the majority of <br />anything blocked was already blocked by Mr. Chen's house. They also tried to line the house up <br />so if looking from the court straight across, much of the view is already blocked by their existing <br />home. He said the approval process has been extremely thorough, they submitted the <br />application in September of 2006, have gone through a lengthy process with the homeowners <br />association and the City, and they worked with all neighbors in reducing the plan and making <br />great compromise to meet everyone's needs. The placement of the house is already furthest <br />away from the side yard setback and from a privacy standpoint they took into account <br />landscaping plans and noted the pool's privacy wall. <br />Mr. Bawa said they have waited a long time on the application, the plan will meet the needs of <br />his mother to stay in the home to assist with their 3 year old son who has cerebral palsy who <br />could have used the backyard for the last two years for therapy, as well as serve a long term <br />City Council Minutes 11 May 6, 2008 <br />
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