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~_~. APPOINTMENT OF PAYING AGENT. REGISTRAR AND <br />TRANSFER AGENT. The City Council hereby appoints Bank of <br />America National Trust and SavinEs Association as payinE a~ent, <br />registrar and transfer a~ent for the bonds in accordance with an <br />a~reement between the City and Bank heretofore approved by the <br />City Council. <br /> <br /> ~L~/~_~. FORM AND EXECUTIOn. Bonds shall be issued <br />as fully registered bonds substantially in the form set forth as <br />Exhibit B to this resolution. The bonds shall be siEned by the <br />Mayor, Treasurer and the Clerk and the seal of the City shall <br />affixed. All signatures and seal may be reproduced on the bonds <br />by facsimile, but upon its registration or rere~istration each <br />bond shall be authenticated by the manual signature of the <br />registrar. <br /> <br /> The payin~ a~ent shall assign to each bond <br />authenticated and reZistered by it a distinctive letter, or <br />number, or letter and number, and shall maintain a record <br />thereof which shall be available to the City for inspection. <br /> <br /> ~_Q_~iD3~_~. ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL FUNDS. For <br />administerin~ the proceeds of the sale of bonds and payment of <br />interest and principal on the bonds, there are hereby <br />established three funds to be known as the refundin~ fund, the <br />redemption fund and the special reserve fund, respectively, for <br />Koll Center Refundin~ District No. 1966-6. <br /> <br /> Section S,1. REFUNDING FUND. Except as provided in <br />Section 8.3, p~oceeds of sale of the bonds, together with the <br /> <br /> <br />