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not receive the application by the stated deadline; thus, the City's Code Enforcement <br />Officer sent a second letter on September 25, 2007 reminding the Academy that an <br />application fora CUP was required. (See Attachments 4.2-A & 4.2-B for staff <br />correspondence.) <br />On September 28, 2007, the appellant submitted an application for a conditional use <br />permit. Based on the application, the scope of operations differed from what had been <br />indicated on the application for the Zoning Certificate. On November 7, 2007 staff sent <br />the appellant a letter stating that the business could continue to operate until such time <br />as the CUP application was heard by the Planning Commission but that the Academy <br />had to operate with not more than 20 students at any given time as stated in its initial <br />application. (See Attachment 4.2-D for staff correspondence). <br />The conditional use permit application was scheduled for the Planning Commission <br />hearing on December 12, 2007, with a recommendation for denial because staff could <br />not make the use permit findings based on parking and circulation and operational <br />concerns. (See Attachment 4.4 for the Planning Commission staff report). The item was <br />continued, however, at the appellant's request in order to discuss with staff how the <br />appellant could revise the application to meet the parking and circulation requirements. <br />On December 18, 2007, staff met with the appellant to discuss the written narrative. <br />During this meeting, the appellant indicated that the written narrative that he had <br />provided was inaccurate and that he would like to re-submit a revised narrative that <br />more accurately portrayed the scope of his operations. <br />Although the Planning Department typically allows businesses to operate while <br />applications are being processed, after meeting with the appellant, staff determined that <br />the appellant must cease operations until a conditional use permit was secured, due to <br />the inconsistencies with his statement and operations and his inability to clearly define <br />his business plan. Please see Attachment 4.2-E for staff's letter to the appellant dated <br />December 26, 2007. <br />Staff met with the appellant again on January 4, 2008, to discuss his concerns <br />regarding staff's decision to have the Academy cease operations pending his approval <br />of the CUP. During this meeting, the appellant provided staff with additional narrative <br />explaining his proposed use and requested staff to reconsider the directive to cease <br />operations. After the meeting concluded, the appellant submitted a further written <br />narrative (Attachment 4.1-B) outlining modifications to the previous written narrative. <br />Staff found the operations described in the new narrative to again be inconsistent with <br />how the appellant described the proposed operations during the January 4 meeting and <br />inconsistent with the description of operations in prior conversations with staff. <br />Accordingly, staff declined the appellant's request to allow the Academy to operate until <br />such time that the Planning Commission could consider the application for a conditional <br />use permit. <br />In response to staffs decision to have the Academy cease operations, the appellant <br />sent staff a letter on January 14, 2008, in hopes of further clarifying the scope of <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />