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combination with a "knuckle" on the outside of the curve to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br />37. The portion df the public street to extend north to the north <br />property line oi: the development shall be designed on an interim <br />basis with provisions for future extension. <br />38. The developer shall coordinate with Shea Homes to effect the <br />relocation of the intersection of the proposed public street with <br />Independence Drive and to effect revision of the proposed median <br />islands in Independence Drive in order to include a left turn <br />lane into the proposed public street. The developer shall be <br />responsible for any increased costs necessary to effect these <br />revisions. All revisions shall be designed and completed to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. These revisions will require <br />removal of six of the eucalyptus trees located with the median <br />island area. <br />39. The developer slAall coordinate grading plans with the developer <br />of the Tract 5799, Dolores Place to insure that no unneeded <br />"islands" remain after grading of both developments. <br />40. Prior to final project approval, the developer shall provide the <br />following items to the City for base mapping purposes: <br />a. One mylar copy, at a scale of 1" = 100', of the system map <br />shown on tYie cover sheet of the tract improvement plans. <br />b. One mylar copy, at a scale of 1" = 100', of the final map. <br />c. One mylar copy of the item(s) described above reduced to a <br />scale of 1" = 250'. <br />The mylars submitted shall contain the following, where <br />applicable: <br />a. Project name(s) <br />b. Project number(s) <br />c. North arrow <br />d. Graphic scale <br />e. A written scale showing the actual scale of the reduced <br />mylar copy. <br />f. Name and telephone number of the firm and individual contact <br />that provided the mylar copy. <br />TTMapCon/WS/jmc(jpce8717) <br />