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matenae arcnittaxurodry mmpatr• <br />bh will de main sbtacbaro. <br />3. That all nteditarlKal stlum- <br />mem be NrtaruCfed in such a <br />manner that noise emanating <br />hour it will opt M paupobh at <br />a beYam tle proPa!tY Plane d <br />tM wgect property m a rtpmal <br />mvironmant tar that zoning <br />district. <br />4. That all IidtDrtg b• tOn- <br />strucwd in wch a manMr that <br />murtdingMDroparties aovid ndmsdl- <br />w 5. That erg trash and rMtw W <br />mMaired comPlaeN wiMin M- <br />cbsrares arcniuctunly compatF <br />Oh will de main struemn. <br />6. That all tows usal in land- <br />sdpirtg e. a mnimum d 15 gal- <br />lon in sty dal all shrubs a mini- <br />mum d 5 pitons. <br />7. That if signing for Me davN- <br />opnam is daalal, a cpmpnhM- <br />sM signing program shall De wtr <br />milord ro tM Ciry for canmaa- <br />Dpn urma saPanh applicatran. <br />B. That 6" vwtiral mrlcrero <br />verbs W irnhlhd between all <br />paved arm lantlsCapal areas. <br />9. That all parking spaces w <br />Smwd arm prwsdal will wleN <br />stops unNSS they an hMDrig by <br />camrch curbs. in which rase wf- <br />ficiant areas shall ba provided Dtr <br />yond the Mds d all parking <br />space m accamrtmaah tM over- <br />hang dautomobiles. <br />!0. That all u6lnitl repuiral ro <br />serve tM development shall be <br />irehlhd ulmet®ountl. <br />11. TMt tM applicam ceder <br />inn an alpaanMt will tM Ciry, <br />apPlwed by Ms CiN Atmmey, <br />whim gwrontees Mat all larm- <br />sogng intludal in Mn project <br />vent w mainhinal rt all Dmes in <br />a MamMul, attractrva all weal- <br />froe manner. Said agreement <br />Shall run will Me term rot the <br />duration d the eaiwmce d Me <br />5fructures located on the sublet! <br />proPerlY. <br />12. That all OwNling units in <br />Me Oevebpmemt W COdltNttal <br />ro meet Me latent P.G.&E. Energy <br />ConservatiM Mome Stahdams. <br />l3. That Me following watts <br />conserving Dlumdltg firtures W <br />inshllal: al low Hush wale clot <br />eh; DI shows flow contrd hexes: <br />cI canton in intergr hutxh: and <br />d) inuhtion d hd wa[a Imes. <br />14. That the applicant be <br />awes Mat desist miaw approv- <br />al lapses vermin one year anises a <br />W iltlirtg psmrt is issual and con- <br />sWCtipn has commatcal arm is <br />diligMtly Wlsual !Duero comPb <br />tare or an emanbn has been to- <br />Quested hour tM CiN. <br />15. That tM dlvampa x- <br />krowladges that tM Ciry d Placer <br />Amon does not guanntce Me <br />availability d wlficiaM sower p- <br />pxiry m serve Mu tlevampmmt <br />by tlw atapanl d tlds rasa. all <br />Utat 81e develoPa aQaes elm ac- <br />krrpulle~ea Out Wndup Perm{ <br />approval may M wiNhem g saw- <br />s wpacily a found try lha Ciry <br />not m be awihble. <br />16. That tlw IolpNpn d arty <br />pal rtmumal traelorrrtars span <br />W wbjact m applwM by Ote <br />Planning ONVan poor m iwu• <br />ante d a Wildiry permit. Caella• <br />auy spaaklrg veto traruldrnun <br />snax nor G kcaha betvwert alN <br />stray and tM hrart d a Wimilp. <br />17. Thor aN Wildirlgs ands <br />]trtapllanS rout Comply with all <br />codes area oAlrarans It eflad al <br />Ou Dme leouiled permas an is- <br />sual try des Buimirtg Divisial. <br />18. That des devebPrnant stun <br />meat all rpuirampd of Ma <br />PlessMmn Fn Call. <br />.19. That tM site D• kept tees d <br />fin hazards from the sfM d ton- <br />structron m fine inspection all <br />Mat Ota Fin OpsrtmMt ema- <br />garrq numbs w prwidal aljr <br />tsttrt m all telapflones an the she. <br />20. That tM protect shall mall <br />all rpuinrrtenb d tM Pleasanton <br />Sawnry CaW all Ue davaops <br />shall plwids perm es spacifial try <br />dse Crime Preventbn Bureau d <br />the Plessanton Police Dapart- <br />manG <br />21. That it rcouirod by the Po- <br />lie OepartrriMt, the Wilainglsl <br />shall h puippal will an alarm <br />syawm, Me type m W approval <br />Dy [rn Police Departmem and <br />Mat Mis system shall De irnblhd <br />prior m final Wining inspeCton. <br />22. That a final landscape pan <br />be wbmittal m the Planning DNi- <br />sion for approval poor ro iswanu <br />d a Wilding pamn. <br />23. That Ma rAlors d Me Duild- <br />inglsl W wbmittal mthe Plan- <br />ning Division M approval prior m <br />iswaltce d a Wading permit. <br />24. Tha[ Me deveoper paY arty <br />and all feve that Me property may <br />be subject m. <br />25. Treat only modular newspa~ <br />per dispensers accommodating <br />more Man one newspaper shah <br />be allowed ouhide Of buildings <br />wimm the deveopment; the Oe <br />sign of these dispensers shall he <br />approved by the Planning <br />Division. <br />26. That Me deveoper wbmB <br />a Wining permit survey arm a <br />site development Plan in actor <br />dance will th! Survey Ordinance <br />(Article 3. Chapters 3, Title III <br />and Mir these plans De approve <br />by me CiN Engineer prior ro tM <br />iswance of a buiding permit <br />Treat Me site devalopmMt plat <br />include all required idormatwn [t <br />design and corntruct site. grad <br />ing, paving, dramap and utilities <br />Specific items m be iMiUtal a <br />Me Site Osvektpment plan axes <br />sorry to mrnWct storm, sews <br />and wars sywrms are: <br />a. Typo d pus m a uaal <br />(amore, sawn, watal: <br />b. CengM of pals in linear hat <br />tsmrm, saver, uteri: <br />c. Sbpes d pipe (storm elm <br />sawal; <br />d. Irruat ahvalwrn at aacn in- <br />Nt or julrCDOrI sbtlcoaro Istorrrt <br />and sawn; <br />s. llpnaorrtal con0lol ltacaaary <br />to sat relationships between <br />Wiminp, palling, verb elm gut. <br />M. storm, sawn and wall: <br />f. Show top d pipe all bottom <br />d Pipe elevation wtlere pipes <br />ems uMS or over are anpolr; ' <br />g. Oillerantraw between pudic <br />and Drnah sY4ems• <br />h. Landsaw arty, panilp <br />shlh. OrNeway aisles. Wimiltgs, <br />Curbs and gutters shall nave hpn- <br />zMhl wntrol tlimaewning iali- <br />otal Msite devabllmMt phn. <br />27. That tM paving secDOn <br />for the M-Lh parking arm Drive <br />auras w desi@aed M fill bau d <br />an R-Valor fret all a trams iridat <br />ro orry the anticipatal traffic <br />Iww. This design shall D<wbjact <br />ro tM approval d Me Ciry Engi• <br />near. Tfu minimum Psvirry sx- <br />tion snail be 2" A.C. on 6" d A.B. <br />Tha mnimum A.C. pavement <br />slope snarl be 1%. Fp paverteM <br />slopes d uw Man i% d tM wr- <br />faa ruMf shall he nmal in a <br />rnrmrale gutM m an attephhM <br />point d discharge. TM minimum <br />skyp for catcrete gutter shall W <br />0.5%. <br />28. That Me dewktpa iretall <br />street hanbp imprwemMh Pa <br />OmininC! dal m lM Sitrsfxtion <br />d tM Ciry Enprue. These im- <br />provamMh may inUuG. cwt an <br />red neassanN limited m. gral- <br />ing, verb and gotta, sidewalk, <br />pawng, smrm drain, sanitary sew- <br />er, wets facilities, afros IighDng, <br />underglourm utllities, tolfic con- <br />trol devices, IandsWping, an0 <br />aummatK imption systems. <br />' 29. That the propeM owner <br />'i enter inn an agreement with Me <br />Ciry wnercby he a~eees ro rAn- <br />struct or finance the conlWdron <br />of street improvemMh adjxent <br />m the Site to to eaten! rpwral <br />by Me 5ubdivisiM Ominance at <br />Such time in the mNre as Mis is <br />deanal necessaN by the Ciy En- <br />gines. Sam improvements may <br />include, but arc rqt necessany <br />limited m grading, tyro and pt- <br />ta, sidawalF, paving, streK IigM- <br />ing, street trees, arrest monu- <br />ments. underground utilities, <br />storm dram facilities, sanitary <br />satyr hcilitias, tree rMgval, tM- <br />flc rulnhol devices, landscaping <br />elm autgna6t imptbn sy'atans. <br />The agnMerrt shall Ds eaecutal <br />arm approval by Ma Ciry Cpundt <br />poor m the issuance d a W iming <br />permit. TM DropenY owner/deva- <br />loper shall depwit a Dolor will <br />Me CiN m enure fumro Complt <br />Lion d Me rpuhal improw- <br />menh. This !loop shall h in a <br />starrdaN fprrrt approval by 8w <br />Ciry Atmrrry and shag a u M <br />emoum satisfacmly m tM Ciry <br />Engineer. TM GN Enginaa may <br />etapt err may leoule a astt pay <br />mad itt-Iwo d balling whNe aw <br />DtlrlfVrrcet wartaR <br />30. ThN dre devebpv wtantt <br />lelundaW fJah OOIm hr tlaTald <br />end erasion cdmd poor m iwu- <br />anw d a Olailairl{ pertit. Tlsa <br />ama,m d Mu bolm win a daa- <br />mmal Dy de Ciry EnPUer. <br />31. ThH a sanitary wsaar saln- <br />ping mMhple be prwmal an tM <br />sanitary sever hterol teen aaUt <br />building, unhw odtatwise waved <br />by tM Ciry EngktaN. <br />32. That otter m istuarca d a <br />Wilding parmrt, five deWbpa <br />shall pay des appirJtl4 20n 7 <br />elm Ciry wnraectron ten all wa- <br />tt meter cwt for arty water mr <br />tars lirngalmn mews) not diratty <br />natal m a Wimily permit <br />33. That the develops dedi- <br />oh m Ma Gry M street rigMQ- <br />way wrPwes Otosa paph d <br />teal intslaal m G pudk straah. <br />36. Treat Ma devwmper Want an <br />easMrMt m Me Ciry war Mme <br />Wrcas shown es pudic aura <br />easemMh tP.S.E.) aIM which an <br />approval by tle Ciry Engines err <br />oMa paroah which may bs daag- <br />na[al by tlw Ciry Engirea. <br />35. Tha approval d tM desip <br />M Me line. grade. arq stmcmnl <br />sections for PM Streets Me davN- <br />opment ha withheld palling firnl <br />M@neenng dmign and review by <br />the Ciry Engineer. <br />36. That vertical P.C.C. curbs <br />all gotten De CMatNttal wiMin <br />Md devempmMt umkss OMs- <br />wise aDPloval DY Me Ciry Engi- <br />neer and Mat tM curb and gotta <br />be poured monoliMiWlly with Me <br />sidewalk whM Me sidewalk o <br />adjxMt. <br />37. That all existing wells, sep- <br />tic tanks or holding tanks on Me <br />site W properly sealal, filled and <br />abandoned poor to Me start of <br />grading operations unless Zone 7 <br />retains specific wells for Observa- <br />tion wells, or special approval is <br />pbnmal from the CiN Engineer <br />for temporary use of an eaistrng <br />wNl for construction watts. Any <br />wells designatal for abandon- <br />mMt Of arty wills Mmuntsal <br />during construction, arc to be De- <br />stroyed in xcomance will a ps- <br />mn obhinal from Zone 7 by roll- <br />ing (4151 443-9300. <br />38. That [n Haul roan tort all <br />materials ro arm hour Mis Devel- <br />opment be approved by me CiN <br />Engineer poor m the start d arty <br />canstnlctian. <br />39. That Me develops submit <br />an erosion and sedimentation <br />control plan or Drocaluro as part <br />of Me imprwemMt plans Door ro <br />the final approval of the <br />derolopmMt. <br />40. That des devalopa wbmit <br />a dust contrd phn a procealaro <br />es part d dre imlyrovartlent porn <br />prior m Me final approval d tM <br />davelppnent. <br />41. That storm drainage <br />swerve, gaffers. inch, wfhlh. <br />and channels rqt wiMin OM arty <br />d a tlediauo public street d <br />pudic service eesalriarlt appra.W <br />W tlw Ciry Ertgirlsa a PrN+wN <br />maimailW try the property own- <br />an a Mraiat an aasocutlon aP <br />proved DY Me Ciry. <br />42. Thrt approval d de wets <br />wppN and tlistnWtion system be <br />wilhhem perming final deign and <br />until flu davemper has tlerrl0n- <br />sbahd m Me aaba(xIIM d Me <br />Ciry Ertgirlea Mat Me prppwed <br />sywrrl mrtas !loll de immaluh <br />altl long-rMga reouimmMro for <br />wppyltg water in Mia aru. <br />43. That Me devempar campy <br />with arty and all applirabh rr <br />auinrtenh d tM crosstonnec- <br />tions mntrd and twckflow Der <br />vMttgn dance programs roduilal <br />M tlta Glifpmu Atlministratlve <br />Coda, 71t1e 17. <br />44. That approval for de num- <br />ber, typo elm lotatron d fin hy- <br />dgM3 be wiMMm pMtlirlg final <br />design, review by tM Fin Mar- <br />shal, arm firnl review DY Me Ciry <br />Engirtea. <br />45. That approval d Me sani- <br />tary satyr system by wiMhem <br />peMing final Design arm untll dk <br />devabper has tlemorntratal m <br />tree satisfaction d Ma Ciry Engi- <br />nes Mat tM proposal system is <br />sdpuah, COnnxh m an cep <br />proved point d dacltarp. arm <br />mash poll Me immaliah all <br />Tong-Hoge roouiromMh d the <br />sanitary system In tNS arm au <br />tnbutary areas. <br />46. Tha[ d a sanitary sewer lift <br />atdt100 is installed fW use by In! <br />development arm rf It is xceptal <br />by Me CiN rot maintenance and <br />operation, an agreemMt Shall De <br />comDletal Detwesn the CiN and <br />Me developer prior to Me approv- <br />al of Me development m the effect <br />that the develops will Prwme a <br />maidManG and opxaDM rota <br />for a minimum [M yes penal. <br />47. That approval d Ms stoma <br />drainage system be wrthneld <br />pending final design and until the <br />devek>par has dengnstrotal ro <br />the satisfaction d tree CiN Enlti- <br />reset Mat tM sYStern is adpuata. <br />conriach ro an approved perm d <br />dlSCllarp, mesh inY all all cep <br />pljUDh rpwremmh d tree Ala- <br />mala County hood Contrd Dis- <br />trict -Zones 7, meets arty arm au <br />applicable rpuiremenh Of Me <br />