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DRAFT <br />Code, Mr. Thomas replied that he had not looked at the overall occupancy load but that <br />500 occupants were required before three exits were required. Because the occupancy load was <br />more than 50 people, two exits were required. He noted that the arrangement of exits required <br />one off the back; the exits could not be close enough so that one fire or other event would block <br />both exits. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regarding egress through the pinch point <br />between the dumpster and the black container, Mr. Thomas replied that the gate as constructed <br />was approximately six feet wide. He believed that Hap's had rolling dumpsters on the other side <br />of the wall and that one may be black. He noted that the dumpsters were movable and that they <br />may be in the exit path. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regarding whether this property's dumpster was <br />required to have a fire sprinkler, Mr. Thomas replied that if the building was required to be <br />sprinklered, the accessory buildings must be sprinklered according to City ordinance. The <br />building at 55 West Angela was not required to be sprinklered, and he did not believe the <br />dumpster enclosure must be sprinklered in this case. <br />Mr. Roush inquired whether the enclosure must be sprinklered if Hap's was required to build a <br />structure to house its dumpster. Mr. Thomas replied that he did not know at this time whether <br />Hap's was sprinklered, based on its age. If it were afire-sprinklered building and the current <br />requirements were applied, he anticipated that the owners would also want to install sprinklers in <br />accessory buildings, including the enclosure. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that one of the exit routes that had been discussed was out the door, <br />to the west, along the back side of the building that contained windows that could blow out in a <br />fire. Mr. Thomas noted that could be an issue. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that the three exit routes were across the back to the west, towards <br />Neal Street on the east side, and the exit through the gate. She inquired which of the three exit <br />routes would be the safest. Mr. Thomas replied that the staff report reflected the Building and <br />Safety Division's preference that the closest, clearest, most unobstructed exit would be through <br />the gate. The alternative exit to the west would also potentially require additional exit signs <br />against the wall to direct the patrons towards the exit. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner O'Connor regarding whether the easements must be <br />granted as a condition of approval, Mr. Iserson replied that the easements would be mandatory. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Narum regarding the consequence if the easements <br />were required and the 30-day window passed without the easements being done, Mr. Iserson <br />replied that it would be a Code Enforcement issue. The City would then follow its normal <br />enforcement procedures. <br />Commissioner Fox inquired whether the building owners had ever received a letter of deficiency <br />with respect to the conditions of approval and whether they had received any letters stating they <br />were out of compliance with drainage. Mr. Iserson replied that a specific letter had not been sent <br />DRAFT EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 2-13-08 Page 4 of 13 <br />