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Railroad Square Partners <br />620 East Angela Street <br />Pleasanton CA 94566 <br />2 October, 2007 <br />Mr. Jerry Iserson <br />Director of Planning and Community Development <br />City of Pleasanton <br />200 Old Bernal <br />Pleasanton CA 94566 <br />Re; Railroad /Haps property line <br />Dear Mr. Iserson <br />In follow up to our site meting of September 20 and your a-mail to me an September 26, 2007 I have the <br />following comments, assertions and conditional offer of compromise for the on going fence line dispute with <br />Michael Madden /Haps . <br />As for our one on one site meeting at 55 W. Angela on the 20'~ of last month, I understood from our discussion <br />that the previously reached agreement with Nelson Fialho and Michael Madden, where as I would cut a hole <br />through the fence and install a gate for the purpose of Pleasanton Garbage Service garbage collection from <br />Haps rear yard is now off the table even though I have completed the work. As this requested work was <br />addressed in an a-mail from Nelson to me on 6/28/06 (attached) and later consummated in a group meeting <br />with Nelson, Madden and myself, I can't tell you how disappointed I am that they have gone back on their <br />word. I further understand from you that I must now give Madden / Haps a permanent right of access through <br />the fence for emergency ingress and egress, reconstruct my new gate to meet code for this purpose and grant <br />the perpedial leased use of one of my newly constructed garbage containment areas for their sole use or they <br />will sue the city and our partnership for these rights. I also understood you to state how much more money <br />they have than I do! Are you insinuating that I could never prevail with such a financial imbalance in <br />resources? In your follow up a-mail of 9/26107 you are appreciative tUat I would consider these alternatives <br />and write "I really believe that it would be many times worse if we daunt get this done ourselves and wind up <br />before the Planniug Commission and City Council". Do you know this because it is you and Nelson that will <br />write the staff reports and have you all ready primed and polled the Commissioners and Council? I consider <br />these comments as coercive veiled threats on your part and not conducive to solving the problem at hand. <br />Jerry, no one likes to be threatened. Mr. Fialho and several directly associated development and building <br />department staff members have repeatedly reminded me through out the last year that the project would not <br />receive a building final and none of the tenants would be allowed to occupancy unless tbe dispute with Haps <br />and Madden was resolved. This was unbelievable to me, because not only did staff recommend the wall as a <br />viable solution to my problem with Haps, they approved it. When asked to compromise by cutting a hole into <br />the wall and installing a gate for Haps garbage pickup. I did that. I believe that the numerous additional <br />threats of my project being held up was directed by Nelson as the staff members in question do not seen to <br />have a stake in the issue and were only the messenger. In an early meeting when I asked Nelson what the <br />protocol was for an after the fact appal as I could not find it in our municipal code he stated, and I quote him <br />here, " I make the Hiles and I set the bar, lets get that straight" and when I asked you the same question a few <br />days ago you stated, "there is nothing in the code. We just feel that we should do this". I think that you and <br />Nelson believe your comments to be true but, I believe that the two of you stand alone. I have spoken to many <br />of the city staff that do not concurs As I would not consider myself a particularly wealthy man it is a fact that a <br />great deal of my and umy partners chips are in this project and should have these threats been carried through <br />with on your part it would in fact been financially devastating to me. I cannot tell you how emotionally <br />distraught this has made me for the last year let alone the long term physical damage it has caused me. At this <br />point every time I receive a phone call beginning with 931 it literally makes me sick to my stomach. From <br />hence forward do not phone me again and please pass that instruction along to all of the staff. Please use a-mail <br />or letter. <br />
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