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<br />2. Is the Planning Commission comfortable with the overall site plan? <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum noted that she was comfortable with the lot lines relocated along the <br />private road. She inquired whether, if that were to be implemented, all the lots would conform to <br />the West Foothill Road Corridor Overlay District with respect to lot size. Ms. Decker believed <br />that would be the case and indicated that she would return to the Planning Commission with <br />more information. <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum noted that in that case, the answer would be yes. <br /> <br />Commissioner Olson replied that he was comfortable with the overall site plan. <br /> <br />Acting Chairperson Blank replied that he was comfortable with the overall site plan. He echoed <br />Commissioner Narum’s comments to relocate the lot lines along the private road. He expressed <br />some concerns about the lot size and would like to see that issue addressed in more detail when <br />the final proposal is presented. <br /> <br />Commissioner Pearce agreed with Acting Chairperson Blank’s comments. <br /> <br />Commissioner O’Connor replied that he was comfortable with the overall site plan and inquired <br />whether the road alignment was considered to be part of the site plan. He would like to see <br />several variations on the entryway to Foothill Road. <br /> <br />3. Is the Planning Commission comfortable with the proposed grape planting? <br /> <br />Commissioner O’Connor noted that he was comfortable with the proposed grape planting. <br /> <br />Commissioner Pearce disclosed that she met with Mr. Hirst and Dr. Yee. She was not <br />comfortable with the proposed grape planting and preferred to keep the site as natural as <br />possible. She understood the spirit of Dr. Yee’s philosophy of creating a pleasing view from the <br />road, but she would like for people driving by not to see that there was a development there. She <br />believed that keeping Lot 4 natural would further accomplish that. She was initially concerned <br />about the maintenance agreement for the owner of Lot 4 but would like to see that lot retained as <br />open space. <br /> <br />Acting Chairperson Blank partially agreed with Commissioner Pearce’s comments and <br />acknowledged that the grape planting posed a challenge with respect to maintenance and upkeep <br />to keep it tidy. He did not have a problem with a vineyard if it were to be properly maintained; <br />he would also be comfortable with a natural lot. <br /> <br />Commissioner Olson noted that he was confident that whoever owned the vineyard would take <br />good care of it because of the sizable investment. He believed that grapes would be very <br />welcome in that spot and supported the vineyard. <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 10, 2007 Page 12 of 21 <br /> <br /> <br />