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DRAFT 3. Circulation Element <br />~ r`IDr`1 11 ATIr11~1 GOALS, POLICIES, AND PROGRAMS <br />Streets and Highways <br />Goal 1: ~e-elDevelop a safe, convenient and uncongested circulation system. <br />Goal 2: ~e-dDevelop and manage a local and regional street and highway system which <br />accommodates future growth while maintaining acceptable levels of service. <br />Policy 1: Complete the City's street and highway system in accordance with the General <br />Plan Map, Figures 3-7 and 3-10, and Table 3-8. <br />Program 1.1: Require new developments to pay for their fair share of planned <br />roadway improvement costs. <br />Program 1.2: Update the Traffic Impact Fee study consistent with <br />improvements needed to implement the General Plan circulation <br />s s~ tem• <br />Program Support the use of assessment districts to equitably spread the cost <br />132: of new roadways and improvements and to facilitate installation of <br />improvements with development. <br />Program Continue to implement the North <br />1,4~; Pleasanton Improvement District infrastructure cost sharing fee <br />for non-participatory properties which benefit from the District. <br />Review and modify the North Pleasanton Improvement District <br />for future development not anticipated when the District was <br />implemented. <br />Program Preserve rights-of--way needed for local and regional <br />1.54: roadwa €reeway improvements through dedication of landau <br />as adjacent properties develop. <br />Program Provide an emergency vehicle accessway linking_Stoneridge Drive <br />1.Cr~: to El Charro Road to serve emergency access needs for <br />development of Staples Ranch until such time as funding for the <br />Stonendge Drive extension is approved by the City Council and <br />the extension is constructed. The timetable for construction of <br />the Stoneridg_e Drive extension will depend on reaching an <br />a~preement with Pleasanton's regional partners for a strate>?ic <br />approach and funding blan for relieving traffic congestion in the <br />Tri-Valley. That plan will include improvements to I-580, I-680, <br />and State Route 84, as well as completion of a regional arterial <br />network that includes Dublin Boulevard, ~ack London Boulevard, <br />Portola Avenue, and Stoneridge Drive. <br />Circulation Element 012908 redline 3-38 City Council Ol 29 08 <br />