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Councilmember Sullivan asked how many units were counted toward the housing cap based on <br />policies of independent living, and City Manager Fialho said when the proposal initially came in <br />at the 800 unit range, staff tried to calculate impact on the community and the number was <br />around 240 units. Because the project has come in lower, the number would go down <br />proportionately based on the methodology. <br />Councilmember Sullivan referred to the chart on page 7 and the 81 independent units of <br />duets/villas, and he confirmed that some other portion would be layered on top of this and more <br />information would come back with the PUD. City Manager Fialho said the Council will have an <br />opportunity to decide whether they want to count the duets or count units based on impact. <br />Councilmember Sullivan referred to reduced traffic and confirmed a traffic study would be <br />conducted as part of the EIR. <br />Councilmember Sullivan referred to the green building aspects, felt the proposal was aggressive <br />with the energy and plant systems, and asked what green building guidelines were being used <br />for the project to comply with the ordinance. Mr. Bocian said residential guidelines would be <br />used along with multi-family guidelines from Waste Management. <br />Councilmember Sullivan referred to the noise issues and confirmed the EIR would quantify <br />noise impacts on buildings. <br />Councilmember Thorne referred to facility locations on site, the 432 seat auditorium and the 78 <br />seat movie theater, and he confirmed with Mr. Bocian on the site map of their central location. <br />Councilmember McGovern said she serves on LAVTA, which is the wheels bus system. They <br />have been asked how employees will get to work and asked if a service would be provided from <br />BART or elsewhere. Mr. Ashenbrenner said most employees drive themselves or carpool. <br />Some take public transportation, but he was not sure what would be arranged yet. <br />Councilmember McGovern asked them to consider where a bus stop could be situated for <br />employees, which she felt would be very important. <br />Councilmember McGovern referred to a walking path around the development to link to the 17- <br />acre park and she wondered if Staples Ranch Drive by the EVA could be looked at. She asked <br />if some pathway could be installed between the fences of those living on Vermont Place and the <br />Villas, as well as access from the gated community from the health center. <br />Regarding affordability, she said Parkview was their latest approval that has an affordability <br />component which took a long time due to the strain on their budget. When looking at the <br />affordability provisions for renting and living in the community of independent living, she <br />questioned if affordability was also being looked at for skilled nursing and dementia care. Mr. <br />Bocian said yes, they are all wrapped in one in their basic fee. He said they offer a monthly fee <br />which provides the cost for all levels throughout the development depending on the unit size <br />and an insurance plan that allows someone to go through the health center. At any given time, <br />those affordability standards in place would be there regardless of whether the person was on <br />the independent or health center side. There is nothing separate with the units in the health <br />center because they are wrapped into a basic monthly fee. He said 15% of the units would be <br />occupied by individuals with incomes less than median, or 5% at median, 5% at low and 5% at <br />very low. In addition, an annuity would be established that would provide a monthly subsidy for <br />those most in need. <br />City CounciVPlanning Commission 8 November 8, 2007 <br />Joint Workshop <br />