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relating to affordability and the City's inclusionary housing ordinance. Regarding the proposed <br />11 acre commercial project, Fremont Land has presented an opportunity that may provide a <br />diverse project and he asked the Council to carefully review the proposal for creative <br />opportunities to augment the community park site. He felt there should be semi-public uses <br />and/or complimentary landscaped buffered areas. Both groups are also very supportive of <br />parkland open space on the property and said the City will need to dedicate and earmark funds <br />for the community park and future capital funds to construct the community park. While the City <br />has approved a concept plan for the parks, they ask that the Council initiate a more <br />comprehensive master planning process for the community park site, which will further refine <br />site amenities and ensure future financing be approved by the City Council. He asked that the <br />review process be transparent, open to the public and technical assistance be provided by staff <br />and run parallel to the land use review process for the Staples Ranch property. They request <br />the Council authorize City staff to initiate the effort and that staff be empowered to conduct <br />public outreach including media advertising and hosting community workshops, support the joint <br />statement and look forward in working mutually with the City. <br />Matt Morrison commented on the initial EIR study and said it had identified potential heritage <br />trees, specifically two large Oak trees, on the property. The heritage tree ordinance does not <br />protect them and he said protection must be done during the PUD. He believed that in order to <br />increase pedestrian access from the park area to the retail site, it would be nice to see some of <br />the smaller retail shops where front and back doors are proposed or multi-access sites for the <br />south side of the retail property. He was supportive of multi-stories and felt this would draw <br />more people in from the freeway. <br />Otis Nostrand hoped an ice facility will be included to enhance the project further, asked to <br />include all four lanes of Stoneridge Drive and include the full four lane bridge funded and built by <br />the development. He felt even greater will be the loss to Pleasanton if the project is developed <br />in Livermore, Dublin or the County and asked the group to work swiftly and smartly in support of <br />the MOU. <br />Ann Pfaff-Doss said she was opposed to having the extension done in a piecemeal fashion, <br />said she was told West Las Positas would go all the way to Livermore which was lost and she <br />hoped now this would be implemented. She also lives nearby the Val Vista Park, they do not <br />have a lot of greenery, said it was necessary to be overly concerned about the retail <br />development access to the park, and otherwise felt the project looked beautiful. <br />Sharrell Michelotti, Pleasanton First member, thanked Friends of Pleasanton, Pleasanton First, <br />staff, the City Council and Planning Commissioners, said there are people from both groups and <br />she asked them to raise their hands. She supported the process moving forward, supported the <br />development to pay for the future four lanes for the bridge, felt signage was important for <br />Hendricks, supported an ice arena and asked to move forward in the public hearing process and <br />not an initiative process. <br />Becky Dennis thanked everyone who encouraged the groups to get together, felt it was <br />interesting to hear the various presentations, felt the Stoneridge bridge should be four lanes, the <br />road should be planned to go through, signage should be beautiful and said a small sign would <br />look silly, suggested moving the locations of the restaurant space and some retail, feeling it <br />would be nice to look out onto the park as opposed to the parking lot. She asked to put the right <br />retail next to the park and supported a gas station to be located on the corner instead of a <br />restaurant. <br />City CounciUPlanning Commission 13 November 8, 2007 <br />Joint Workshop <br />