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counterparts. Even the Great Horned Owls and Eagle Owls, which can see well enough <br />during the day, will still prefer hunting at night. <br />There's also greater risk to the owl when it is out during the daytime. All of the <br />diurnal raptors see owls as mortal enemies in competition with them for food and <br />territory. Accordingly, wild birds of prey will attack an owl mercilessly if given the <br />opportunity, even killing it if they're able to do so. <br />Laws also carefully regulate falconry in many areas. Throughout the United <br />States, for example, you will be required to pass a written exam, build facilities, have <br />them inspected, serve atwo-year apprenticeship, and keep diligent records on your <br />birds. In order to catch a wild bird, you may need additional licensing and permission. <br />Contacting a local falconry club or association is usually the first step to learning. <br />12 <br />