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Commissioner Pearce referred to the timing of the phasing and asked how long they anticipated <br />development between the Phase 1 and 1 a in the case where residents may need to go off-site <br />for health needs. Mr. Ashenbrenner said it was typical for the health center to open six months <br />later than the main community due to skilled nursing being handled by OSHPOD, the State <br />agency in charge of building hospitals, and said these approvals were very time-consuming. <br />However, their contract stipulates they will send residents to a comparable facility until their <br />health center is finished, but often times, both are built at the same time. <br />Commissioner Pearce referred to the wall separating the facilities and the park and she <br />questioned how they would be involved with the wall and landscaping. Mr. Ashenbrenner said <br />they do not have a wall between them and the park. There will be an 8 foot wall between them <br />and Hendricks Automotive and they will share the cost of its construction and landscaping on <br />both sides of it. <br />Commissioner Fox said on May 9, 2005 the City of Livermore sent Pleasanton a letter stating <br />they strongly oppose the development of additional residential units in this area, even outside of <br />the Airport Protection Area. They said senior health care facilities such as assisted living and <br />congregate care should also not be developed in this area since they would be considered <br />sensitive noise receptors. She asked if CLC representatives have had conversations regarding <br />the compatibility issue, and Mr. Ashenbrenner said he has only had conversations with the <br />airport and its operations, sounds levels, and all agree they were well below levels. <br />Commissioner Fox referred to the California Airport Land Use Planning Policy of January 2002, <br />Chapter 9, page 45 and confirmed with Mr. Ashenbrenner he did not discuss what type of zone <br />they are classified under, and said Zones 3, 4, and 5 are areas which prohibit uses of hospitals <br />and nursing homes. Mr. Bocian said the City of Livermore has agreed to support this and other <br />projects provided that this development include provisions to handle any potential complaints <br />from the development and CLC is therefore required to have an operation to handle complaints. <br />The only issue they have raised is relative to the amount of traffic that could be generated from <br />the Staples Ranch collectively. <br />City Manager Fialho noted that the City did execute acost-sharing agreement with the city of <br />Livermore that basically concluded generally that, so long as Pleasanton did not change <br />dramatically the land use proposals from the MOU, Livermore would support the project as <br />proposed or at least not contest it. <br />Councilmember Sullivan referred to the issue of affordability and said the initial proposals had <br />no affordability content. The staff report on page 7 talks about a couple of different concepts, but <br />he thought it was somewhat unclear. Mr. Bocian said they have been meeting regarding this <br />matter and have developed a framework of two components; one is that CLC will agree to have <br />15% of the units split between median, low and very low income. The second is to create an <br />annuity which would be used to write down rents for those in the lowest income area. He thinks <br />it is important to know that when looking at these developments, they do not translate clearly to <br />an independent housing project. They do not look at food, transportation or medical service <br />costs. With this opportunity, all of those components are included within their fees so it has been <br />a challenge, but he felt it was consistent with the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. Staff's <br />intent is to pass along the framework to the Housing Commission and go through the standard <br />process of drafting an affordable housing agreement for Council approval. <br />City Council/Planning Commission 7 November 8, 2007 <br />Joint Workshop <br />
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