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Brian Arkin said he was on the Planning Commission when the gas station was being proposed <br />on the Bernal property. He said the applicant came in with a gas station of a stucco box, but <br />eventually he came back with something approvable which is the nicest looking in the state. He <br />found that the owner hired the architect who did the homes to do the gas station and he hoped <br />the developers could use this approach. He said shops should integrate with the senior project <br />and the park, he would envision 40 foot deep sidewalks and grass berms where people can mix <br />in and integrate, and he said the "strip mall" effect should be enhanced as well as reduced <br />density. Regarding the Stoneridge extension, it is based on a 20 year old traffic model in the <br />EIR that has regional improvements made and he asked that the extension not be built just <br />because of the shopping center and asked to look at the phasing and regional improvements <br />that are 20 years out. <br />Mayor Hosterman closed public comment. <br />Commissioner O'Connor referred to the Hendricks proposal and said he would like to see more <br />landscaping on the interior to soften the inside, and not necessarily trees. <br />Commissioner Narum said she would like to see the transition from the various developments to <br />the parks reviewed further, liked the landscaping along the freeway by the CLC development <br />and voiced concerns with the number of visitor parking spaces for CLC development. She wants <br />to see sidewalks and bike paths on both sides of Stoneridge Drive and Auto Mall Parkway, <br />questioned if there was a funding mechanism and preservation of the right-of-way for the four <br />lanes, voiced concern with colors proposed and hoped for a consistent and compatible palette, <br />supported the freeway Auto Mall sign as proposed, voiced concern about the delivery circulation <br />for the shopping center which should be addressed in conditions of approval, voiced concern <br />with the shopping center design and felt the center at Stanley and Valley was a fabulous design <br />and asked to further look at the components of that. She appreciates the green building features <br />but felt more could be done for the design of the center to fit in with the Pleasanton architecture. <br />Commissioner Olson said he likes what he has seen, but because of the concern for getting as <br />many customers to the retail site, the City could put Stoneridge through, but short of this, he <br />wanted unencumbered bicycle access through the EVA. He was not in favor of a gas station, <br />suggested considering what Livermore is doing on the other side of EI Charro and let them have <br />the gas station if it is incorporated in their plan. He likes the green aspects of the development <br />which he felt could be a template for other projects. <br />Commissioner Pearce agrees with the bike access and EVA, wanted to make sure parking for <br />CLC was appropriate, felt the facility needs to be sound-proofed, said all projects should be <br />integrated and synthesized with each other and blend together. She was not sure they needed <br />to represent Pleasanton, but more have their own upscale architectural style. <br />Commissioner Fox asked to see the auto mall car wash moved further to the east so it is away <br />from the neighborhood, wants a buffer area between the Auto Mall and the CLC property due to <br />spill-over from the lights, felt the auto mall freeway sign should be reduced somewhat to fit in <br />more with the existing signs in Pleasanton, as well as making sure there is no obstruction from <br />the airport. She voiced concerns about the location of the convalescent hospital and suggested <br />CLC talk with Livermore Airport in terms of planning and clarifying exactly what zone this falls <br />into which needs to also be clarified prior to the draft EIR coming out. Regarding the retail <br />center, she believes the scale does not fit in with the area. The area behind the retail spaces is <br />adjacent to the Arroyo Mocho and the community park is situated so there is dead area between <br />City CounciUPlanning Commission 14 November 8, 2007 <br />Joint Workshop <br />
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