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b. All storm drain inlets shall be clearly marked and maintained with the <br />words "No Dumping -Drains to Bay." <br />c. Ensure wastewater from vehicle and equipment washing operations is not <br />discharged to the storm drain system. <br />d. The CC&Rs covering the future property subdivision shall include the <br />statement, "No person shall dispose of, nor permit the disposal, directly or <br />indirectly, of vehicle fluids, hazardous materials or rinse water from <br />cleaning tools, equipment or parts into the private, on-site storm drains. <br />e. The CC&Rs covering the future property subdivision shall include the <br />statement, "All private on-site storm drains shall be cleaned by the <br />property owner at least twice a year with one cleaning immediately prior to <br />the rainy season." <br />The vegetated bio-swales/areas shall be mowed and clippings removed <br />on a regular basis by the property owners association. <br />< End > <br />Page 20 of 20 <br />