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86. The project developer's contractor(s) shall obtain an encroachment permit from <br />the City Engineer prior to moving any construction equipment onto the site. <br />Urban Stormwater Design Requirements: <br />87. The project shall comply with the Alameda Countywide NPDES Permit <br />#CA50029831, a copy of which is available at the City offices. In addition to the <br />Standard Urban Stormwater Runoff Requirements for compliance with the <br />Alameda County NPDES Permit, the project shall also comply with the Permit's <br />Hydro Modification requirements as approved by the Regional Water Quality <br />Control Board for Alameda County. <br />88. The following requirements shall be incorporated into the project: <br />a. The project developer shall submit a final grading and drainage plan <br />prepared by a licensed civil engineer depicting all final grades and on-site <br />drainage control measures including bio-swales. Irrigated bio-swales and <br />areas shall be designed as needed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer <br />to optimize the amount of the storm water running off the paved surface <br />that enters the bio-swale at its most upstream end. This plan shall be <br />subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer prior to the <br />issuance of the first grading permit for the development covered by this <br />approval. <br />b. All trash areas, dumpsters and recycling containers shall be enclosed and <br />roofed to prevent water run-on to the area and runoff from the area and to <br />contain litter and trash, so that it is not dispersed by the wind or runoff <br />during waste removal. These areas shall not drain to the storm drain <br />system, but to the sanitary sewer system and an area drain shall be <br />installed in the enclosure area, providing a structural control such as an <br />oil/water separator or sand filter. No other area shall drain into the trash <br />enclosure; a berm shall be installed to prevent such drainage if found <br />necessary by the City Engineer/Chief Building Official. A sign shall be <br />posted prohibiting the dumping of hazardous materials into the sanitary <br />sewer. The CC&Rs covering the future property subdivision shall include <br />the above statement in their wording. The project developer shall notify <br />the Dublin-San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) upon installation of the <br />sanitary connection; a copy of this notification shall be provided to the <br />Planning Department. <br />c. The project developer shall submit sizing design criteria to treat <br />stormwater runoff at the time of the grading plan submittal. <br />d. Public and private landscaping shall be designed to minimize irrigation <br />and runoff, promote surface infiltration where appropriate, and minimize <br />the use of fertilizers and pesticides that can contribute to stormwater <br />pollution. <br />Page 16 of 20 <br />