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condition shall be verified by the Planning Director with the tenant improvement <br />application(s) for this building. <br />17. Any tenant that locates within the complex shall be required to keep any doors <br />facing Stanley Boulevard and/or Bernal Avenue closed at all times. <br />18. All restaurant facilities shall be equipped at all times with odor-control and <br />filtering devices to minimize odors and fumes at the source. The devices shall be <br />shown on the tenant improvement plans to the satisfaction of the Chief Building <br />Official and shall be maintained by the business owner throughout the life of the <br />business. <br />19. There shall be no access restricting gates of any type or other obstructions to the <br />rear driveway area of the Home Depot and the Longs Drugs buildings at any <br />time. This driveway shall remain open and unobstructed at all times. <br />20. The project developer shall provide a minimum of three points of fire main <br />connection to the site: two connections from Bernal Avenue near the Nevada <br />Court and the Utah Street intersections and the other one to Stanley Boulevard. <br />The fire connections shall be shown on the building permit plan set for review <br />and approval by the Fire Marshal before issuance of the first building permit. <br />21. All turning radii shall maintain a 45-foot inside and 55-foot outside dimension. <br />The turning radii dimensions shall be verified to the satisfaction of the Fire <br />Marshal before issuance of the first building permit. <br />22. The minimum driveway width in front of and behind the Home Depot and Longs <br />Drugs stores shall be a clear 24 feet. The loading zone and associated weather <br />protection canopy shall not encroach into the main access driveway. Temporary <br />outdoor storage, e.g., deliveries/returns, etc., for the Home Depot and the Longs <br />Drugs shall not encroach into the rear driveway -emergency vehicle access - to <br />the rear of these stores. All driveways, aisles, and alleys designated as fire lanes <br />by the Fire Chief shall be maintained in accordance with Articles 9 and 10 of the <br />Uniform Fire Code, which permits towing vehicles illegally parked on the fire <br />lanes. Fire lane curbs shall be painted red with "No Parking, Fire Lane, Tow <br />Away Zone" or "No Parking, Fire Lane, Tow Away Zone" signs shall be installed <br />as required by the Vehicle Code. <br />23. Fire hydrants shall be placed on the four-sides of the Home Depot store and <br />around the satellite building pads. Exact placement will be specified with the <br />review of site plan civil drawings. The Fire Chief and the Chief Building Official <br />shall approve the number, type; and location of all fire hydrants before the <br />issuance of the first building permit. <br />24. The parking area and the area surrounding the buildings covered by this <br />approval shall be cleaned and maintained in an orderly manner at all times <br />Page 7 of 20 <br />