In the event of an earthquake, damage, to water tanks, water lines and to structures
<br />can be expected. In residential and commercial areas, this could include significant
<br />damage or collapse of buildings and may cause automatic fire sprinkler system
<br />(installed to prevent fires in buildings) to either under perform or completely fail.
<br />Secondary impacts could include ruptured electric or gas connections lines. The
<br />potential for a major seismic event could create aCity-wide demand for emergency
<br />response and fire protection service which could exceed staff response capacity.
<br />3. Local topographical conditions include hills on the western border and flat area on
<br />the eastern border. Interstate 680 divides the City into two sections, and circulation
<br />between areas of the City rely on both freeway overpasses and underpasses. In
<br />addition, local traffic must also pass over railroad tracks, creeks, and bridges (to cross
<br />arroyos). Water lines which come from tanks on the hills of the City must cross the
<br />interstate to feed the automatic fire sprinkler systems installed in buildings throughout
<br />the City.
<br />During peak a.m. and p.m. traffic periods, the City experiences heavy traffic congestion
<br />at key intersections, and near many freeway on-ramp and off-ramps. In the event of an
<br />accident or emergency at one of these key intersections, bridges, or other circulation
<br />corridors, sections of the City could become isolated and response times increased
<br />beyond ideal levels.
<br />4. Based on the local climatic, geologic, and topographical conditions outlined above,
<br />there is a real risk that emergency response could be significantly delayed in the event
<br />of an accident or emergency. Therefore, it is necessary to address these problems by
<br />adding back mitigation measures that maintain existing levels of fire protection over the
<br />reduced fire and life-safety standards that are permitted within the new 2007 California
<br />Codes.
<br />WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.7 requires that the City,
<br />before making any modifications or changes pursuant to Health and Safety Code
<br />Sections 17958 and Section 17958.5, shall make an express finding that each such
<br />modification of change is needed; and
<br />WHEREAS, Such findings must be made available as a public record and a copy
<br />thereof with each such modification or change shall be filed with the California Building
<br />Standards Commission; and
<br />WHEREAS, The City Council hereby determines that the proposed ordinance,
<br />presented herewith, establishes requirements greater than those set forth in the 2007
<br />Edition Of The California Building Standards Code Title 24 of the California Code of
<br />Regulations (24 C.C.R.), as adopted by the City of Pleasanton and set forth in Sections
<br />20.04.010, 20.08.012, 20.08.018, 20.08.020, 20.08.022, 20.08.024, 20.08.030,
<br />20.08.032, 20.08.038, 20.08.039, 20.08.040, 20.08.043, 20.08.045, 20.08.046,
<br />20.08.050, 20.08.053, 20.08.055, 20.08.058, 20.08.060, 20.08.063, 20.08.065, ,
<br />20.08.081, 20.08.082, 20.08.083, 20.08.084, 20.08.086, 20.08.088, 20.08.090,
<br />2
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