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5. Borrower's total debt to income ratio may not exceed 40% of the borrower's total <br />income. At the discretion of the City's Housing Division, this minimum standard may be <br />adjusted if extenuating circumstances exist (e.g., buyer has minimal debt, high FICO score, down <br />payment exceeding the 3% minimum, etc.). <br />6. Borrower may use a cosigner when qualifying for the first mortgage. The cosigner's total <br />household income shall not be included as part of the household's total income when <br />determining the borrower's income eligibility except in cases where the DPA program is used in <br />conjunction with specific below-market priced homes that are sold through the Pleasanton <br />Homeownership Assistance Program (PHAP). <br />7. Total down payment assistance shall not exceed 20% of the purchase price of the home. <br />Eligible closing costs, including points, shall not exceed 2% of the purchase price. Borrower <br />must contribute a minimum 3% down payment (the minimum down payment may be reduced to <br />1 % if the buyer uses other Ca1HFA down payment assistance and/or secondary financing <br />products). <br />8. In the event of a competing interest for funding, a priority will be given to persons who <br />live and or work in the City of Pleasanton. The homebuyer will be required to enter into a <br />Promissory Note and Deed of Trust with the City. <br />9. The homes are required to pass typical home inspections including termite and roof <br />clearances. <br />10. Buyer must obtain a written property inspection report from a qualified home inspection <br />company prior to the close of escrow. This report must cover all major systems in the house <br />including but not limited to electrical, plumbing, foundations, drainage systems, paint, and all <br />built-in appliances. Buyer must show evidence that City permits have been issued for all work <br />where permits are required. <br />11. Buyer must purchase aone-year home warranty covering all major systems in the home <br />including built-in appliances, air conditioners, and water heating systems. <br />12. Assistance provided through the DPA program shall generally be in the form of two <br />separate loans of equal amount, one of which runs for the first ten years (using Ca1HFA HELP <br />funds) and another which runs for the second ten years (using City funds). Payments on both <br />loans are generally amortized over the entire ten-year period. However, the City may consider, <br />on a case-by-case basis, deferring payments on the first loan for up to the first three (3) years if <br />deemed necessary to improve the borrower's initial qualifying ratio. In this case, payments shall <br />be amortized over the remaining period (e.g., seven years) so that the loan is completely repaid <br />within the ten year term. <br />13. Borrower shall enter into a loan agreement with the City of Pleasanton covering the total <br />amount of funds loaned by the City via a Promissory Note secured by a Deed of Trust for each <br />loan. Failure by borrower to make timely loan payments to the City may result in the default of <br />the City's loan(s) and forfeiture of ownership by the borrower. Loan funds may be used only to <br />purchase a house and to pay for any nonrecurring closing costs associated with purchasing the <br />