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Interest rates on the bond issues were based on conservative estimates of rates available <br />during this period (i.e., 6.5%). Today's rates for a comparable bond issue would be 5.0% <br />For purposes of determining the appropriate interest rates to use in the analysis, it was <br />assumed based on the City's current Moody's rating of "Aa", that the General Obligation <br />Bonds, the Certificates of Participation, and the Mello-Roos Special Tax Bonds would be <br />rated "Aa". <br />The debt (principal and interest) would be repaid over athirty-year period for each phase <br />of bonds issued. <br />The following section of the report presents a description of the financing options available to <br />the City to finance the Program. <br />Existing Revenues <br />As indicated above, the first financing alternative available to the City is to look to existing <br />revenues and identify those revenues to be dedicated to financing capital improvement projects on a <br />"pay-as-you-go" basis (i.e., pay cash for the project). The City is encouraged to do this before <br />contemplating increasing taxes and issuing debt. Staff has done this and has identified the following <br />existing revenues for funding the Program: <br />A $9.3 million reserve in the City's CIP for the Bernal Property Improvements. <br />An annual transfer of $2.5 million from the General Fund to the Program. The financing <br />model Appendix B (Tables 2 through 4), does not show the transfer decreasing over time <br />as Program projects come on line and the City incurs additional operating costs because <br />the model includes the annual increase in operating costs. However, once the Financing <br />Plan is implemented, projects begin to come online and operating costs are being incurred <br />and absorbed by the General Fund, the annual General Fund transfer to the Capital <br />Improvement Program will decrease accordingly. <br />These existing revenues and reserves total approximately $52.7 million over the seventeen <br />years of the Financing Plan. The Program costs including construction, acquisition and operation <br />costs totals approximately $158.9 million over the seventeen years of the Financing Plan. Therefore, <br />the City will need to supplement its existing revenues with new fees or an increase in existing fees <br />and/or a debt financing program if the desire is to fund 100% of the Program at this time. <br />Appendix B, Table 2 presents the Financing Plan assuming the funding for the Program is <br />only the City's existing revenue stream. Based on this funding level over the seventeen year period of <br />the Financing Plan, the following Program projects (or portions of) will be completed: <br />Bernal Community Park Phases I, II, III and IV <br />A portion of the Open Space area (approximately $6.5 million of the estimated $30.0 <br />million project). <br />The following is a discussion of the alternatives available to the City to fund the gap <br />between exiting revenues and the cost of the entire Program. <br />