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41. If archeological materials are uncovered during grading, trenching, or other on- <br />site excavation, all work on site shall be stopped and the City immediately <br />notified. The county coroner and the Native American Heritage Commission shall <br />also be notified and procedures followed as required by the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A similar note shall appear on the <br />improvement plans. <br />Fire Conditions <br />42. The project developer shall meet all requirements of the Pleasanton Fire Code <br />(Pleasanton Municipal Code, Chapter 20.24). <br />43. Automatic fire sprinklers shall be installed in all new homes and within the <br />existing renovated home. <br />44. The project developer shall keep the site free of fire hazards from the start of <br />lumber construction until the final inspection. <br />45. Prior to any construction framing, the project developer shall provide <br />adequate fire protection facilities, including, but not limited to a water supply and <br />water flow in conformance to the City's Fire Department Standards, able to <br />suppress a major fire. <br />Engineering Conditions <br />Tentative Map Requirements: <br />46. A tract map shall be required to subdivide the property into five lots. With the tract <br />map, the project developer shall set forth the maintenance areas of the proposed <br />development and maintenance responsibilities. The project developer shall <br />record CC&R's at the time of recordation of the final subdivision map, which shall <br />create a maintenance association for the development. The CC&R's shall be <br />subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney prior to recordation of the <br />final map. The maintenance association shall be responsible for the maintenance <br />of all private utilities, the common access driveway, and other common areas and <br />facilities on the site. The City shall be granted the rights and remedies of the <br />association, but not the obligation, to enforce the maintenance responsibilities of <br />the property owners association. <br />47. Stormwater Design Requirements <br />The project shall comply with the Alameda Countywide NPDES Permit <br />#CA50029831, a copy of which is available at the City offices. <br />9 <br />